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How Emotionally Imagery Therapy works. A young man recently came to me with back pain. Before that, he went to doctors but no biological component was found, the neurologist sent him to a psychologist and he came to me. From the initial conversation, it was found out that the person had recently received a promotion, and now he has to spend a lot of time sitting on a chair, conducting video conferences, meetings with employees working in other cities. And as he suggested, because of sedentary work, his back hurts. We started working with him, his back hurt, when I asked if he could smell and tell what his pain smelled like, the young man said that he couldn’t imagine the smell of pain, but when he he thinks the pain subsides. We continued in this vein, but the pain either subsided or reappeared. Then I decided to change tactics and asked him what this pain resembled, the client thought and said it was a vice, someone was tightening the vice. Who is tightening this vice, I asked? The guy said that he is the one who tightens them. Why did I ask? “I’m holding myself back in this way so as not to say something unnecessary,” he replied. Who are you afraid to say something unnecessary? The client answered the father. It turned out that when he was little, he was very afraid of his father, and in every possible way he chose words to ask him something. I asked him to say, “Dad, I’m not afraid of you, and I can say anything, you can’t forbid me.” The young man said these words, and his back began to relax and the pain began to recede, but still continued to ache a little. I asked the client What does he feel for his father, maybe he wants to tell him something else? He answered, I want to say that I love him. After repeating these words, the pain completely subsided. By this I want to say that the images in our head are the subconscious, and working with the subconscious gives almost 100% results in solving the problem, provided that the images are correctly deciphered and the correct work is done on them. The article has been written with the client’s consent, some data regarding the client’s work has been changed.
