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From the author: A two-minute video about one of the tools of psychocosmetology - the psychological lifting effect. You look great if you feel great! Today I published a video on my blog, “Happiness and Natural Lifting Effect.” But before I tell you about the video, let’s look at the realities and try to understand the beauty secret of one of the most charming and attractive women on earth, Sophia Loren. What does a woman do before leaving the house? And the same thing: he wakes up, prepares breakfast for the whole family on the go, cleans, washes the dishes, takes a shower so that the skin seems clean and fresh, looks at himself in the mirror and oh... Perhaps I’ll put on a little makeup. She quickly styles her hair, in the first case so that it is not visible how dry and dull it is, in the second case to emphasize the beauty of her hair. What's next? He runs to work with leaps and bounds. At work, she thinks about home, about what she will cook in the evening. On the way back he runs into the store. Plate. Favorite family and sleep. And so every day. Of course, sometimes there is time for yourself: sports, dancing, spas, reading books, talking with friends on the phone and still... I want more! "There is a fountain of youth: your mind, your talent, the creativity you bring into your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to drink from this fountain, you will truly conquer age." Sophia Loren Isn't this the secret to achieving something more? Every thought, every emotion, every action is either a plus for your youth, health, beauty or a minus. In ancient times, people understood this intuitively, today it is a scientific reality! You create yourself daily. It’s just that most people do it automatically, not realizing the influence of their thoughts and emotions on their body and appearance. How to bring creativity into your life and the lives of your loved ones? Truly love yourself! When this happens, the first thing you feel is the FRESHNESS of the new day! You no longer look at life through the prism of the past, but are open to something new. Secondly, you begin to consciously and unconsciously avoid everything that can make you unhappy. Thirdly, you begin to hear your real self and the COURAGE appears to live in harmony with the delights of your soul, to do actions that fill you with a feeling of celebration, happiness, and inspiration! And where the feeling of happiness bubbles up, there appears like a shadow the desire to CREATE yourself (becoming more and more beautiful in every sense of the word), to create comfort and beauty in your home, to create your life according to the scenarios of the most beautiful desires! The emotions that you experience during creativity are the best “vitamins” of youth, health and beauty! The new video shows just one of many psychocosmetology tools. Having learned to manage your emotions, you will not only feel wonderful, but also LOOK WONDERFUL, at any age! Because you will create yourself every day, creating the best states within yourself! In the new video you will learn what a natural lifting effect is and what 4 elements form the basis of a lifting effect from the heart! What are the results of lifting without chemicals? - facial wrinkles are smoothed out - muscle tone and complexion improves - the look becomes more lively and expressive - the gait becomes lighter - the voice is more musical and attractive Watch and rate my new video watch now
