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From the author: Liberation from the internal superfluity changes both the appearance of a person and his destiny. Overweight. The desire to “reset” it. Such an important and sought-after task for many women and men is solved in different ways. Training groups are gaining momentum. Competent nutritionists! Good fitness programs! Cleansing practices! It is very good that from all sides there is a call for a person to turn to himself and to a healthy lifestyle! For myself, I divide the methods into: quickly solvable to varying degrees 1) EXTERNAL EFFORT for yourself and 2) INTERNAL CHANGES that will always stay with you, even if you suddenly don’t want to make efforts to work with the physical body. And I think that it is precisely after Liberation from the load of internal heaviness, a change in the relief of the body will actually begin, bringing joy and pleasure, no matter what you do. The diet will go easier! After all, you won’t have to chew and make an effort on yourself! There will be nothing to chew on!...Physical activity, freed from the clamps and burden of the body, will be easier and more enjoyable! We often want to look beautiful not only for the sheer joy of seeing ourselves slim. This includes the fear of being abandoned by your spouse, the fear of losing attractiveness to others, even the fear of being left without a prestigious job... And there are many reasons for these very INNER... And at the same time, they are different for everyone! Many reasons for “seizing” lie on the surface and you, to one degree or another, can cope with them yourself. Understanding them, seeing that they again climbed these “sad little ones”, disconnecting from themselves to the side, switching. This switch is what is created in weight loss training groups. There is a lot of communication, which means being busy and still being busy with the same thing and encouraging positivity! And if you are in such a group, CONGRATULATIONS! You saved a huge amount of money and time on competent psychological support! I want to talk about the invisible layer! A simple, interested person will not be able to figure it out without knowledge and experience in family systems psychology. This is where the work of a psychologist is needed! And it cannot be avoided, or if you do, then you will continue to bear family burdens, birth burdens, the severity of childhood, sometimes pre- and perinatal traumas... Addictions, unconscious attachments, children with their problems, even the thirst to save the World! Many things! I invite you to group arrangements! With their help, you can get out of the intertwining destinies with your parents, sometimes with the older generation, with the burdens and illnesses adopted from them, wars, repressions, failed traumatic relationships of your own or theirs, addictions, remaining parts of our souls in a place dear to our hearts ...
