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I would like to talk a little more about the roads. Now it’s no longer just reasoning, but rather showing how people see their paths in life differently. One of the training participants especially struck a chord with me. Even more is the inner work of this participant. This is an inner work that I cannot help but notice, or simply pass by. For the first time, the participant drew a runway, calling it her road of life. And behind her are parachute lines. Her man walks next to her and supports her. But at the same time, she cannot take off in order to move on. And he understands that it is dangerous to be on the runway, and at the same time the runway is limited. The story is such a difficult state. The heaviness of the slings that can be felt when examining the work, an understanding of one’s limitations. The slings, as interpreted by the training participant, are the past, the worries and burdens that she drags along with her. Something that he can’t part with, but understands that it’s time to let go. It is simply necessary, otherwise her life will be spent in heaviness, regrets and grief. The people in the picture are shown with their backs to the viewer. This is like a metaphor for fatigue and not wanting to participate in the process. That is, the participant, as it were, does not want to be the way she sees herself, but at the same time she understands everything. Understands some truth about himself. The fatigue with which she drags her past along with her also affects the events of the future. The runway is indeed not a direct road to the field. This road is dangerous and finite. Pretty soon it’s over. And here’s another work that the participant painted over time. She is more optimistic. This is no longer a runway, acceleration is not needed, in order to go, there is simply a path. Realizations occurred. She took responsibility for something in her life and decided to believe in herself and her strength. There is no such tension and struggle as last time. But, at the same time, there is a feeling that our participant is in a hurry to simply throw something off herself and move on. But it doesn’t work that way. The perspective of the road is directed….. unfortunately, to the past. That is, there is also the need to carefully work on your internal difficult areas. There is no way to throw them away. It’s good to face these internal “impossibilities” or “monsters” and not just walk away. This is how people walk along the road of life. This path gives me respect. Thanks to this training participant for her courage. If you want to understand more about yourself, you can take part in the “The Path to Yourself” training or in individual consultations. Other articles on this topic that may be of interest to you: - Arsenal of our masks, - Where our Wants lead us, - Everyone has their own Path.
