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We, as parents, so want to hear these words from the lips of our child. This means that everything is fine with him, he is ready for life, and will really cope with difficulties.... This means we are successful parents... At the Lukomorye center for education and creativity, a bell rang, an assertive, authoritative female voice from the receiver indicated the essence of the issue. My son is going to first grade and the mother needs to find a course that would prepare the child for school difficulties. It is necessary to strengthen the child’s internal structure so that he can adapt well in first grade and successfully communicate with peers. So that you would be confident and study with pleasure. The lady was abroad, and similar courses exist there (note that there was only a month left until September 1). So, quickly prepare and create an internal structure, the ability to develop yourself, and cope with emerging difficulties. This call highlighted three important issues. First: Dominant mothers most often raise rather weak-willed, uninitiative sons. And we find confirmation in this request (If a mother wants to increase her child’s self-confidence, it means there is something that worries her). The more a child is controlled, limited and demanded, the less desire he has to express himself in any way and to open up creatively. The second question is the fairly widespread confidence of parents that someone will quickly do something with the child, and the child will be ready to face life. Often forgetting that parents, as the most significant people in a little person’s life, daily shape his attitude towards himself, towards life, and towards other people. And formation occurs, first of all, by one’s own example. Ask yourself questions as a parent and answer honestly within yourself: are you always responsible? Do you always face difficulties with dignity and overcome them? (This means both personal and work moments of your life). Do you ever blame others for your mistakes? Maybe by answering yourself, you will look at the baby differently? And third: this is a request as such. The mother, interested in the success of her child, realized that the most important thing for a future first-grader is adaptation. Successful adaptation - getting used to new conditions and new demands of life - is not only good grades (now in the first grade they don’t give grades, which means stars, elephants, “tricks” are whatever the teacher comes up with instead of A’s, but the essence is the same), it the ability to fulfill school requirements while maintaining one’s individuality. Yes, the task is not easy. And the school does not always cope with it, it’s sad to admit... But I really want the child to experience the joy of learning, to treat his mistakes correctly. Everyone makes mistakes - it is a necessary part of any learning. If you make a mistake, you can correct it and move on. And inside, so that there is an awareness: it will work out anyway, I can, I am capable, I am worthy. It happens that a child, faced with the first difficulties, and not finding the proper support and internal resources to solve them, begins to cultivate a persistent dislike for learning and for himself . And now this is a serious problem. Or another option: school success comes at the cost of a child’s psychological health. Anxiety about getting or not getting an A (or a star, an elephant, etc.) leads to irritability, poor sleep, and a change in self-attitude. When the child's self begins to depend on these assessments. I didn’t get the desired “A” - that means I’m bad, or the one who didn’t give it - opposite trends, but both are not healthy. So what should a child’s preparation for school be like? How to soften adaptation? The current situation is such that first-graders arrive already able to read and even write. But not everyone understands that this is not the most important thing. A group of St. Petersburg psychologists studied the positive and negative aspects of various training programs. Each program developed certain aspects.
