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Exit from Love Addiction. We learn to express and understand our feelings. Addiction is primarily a disease of the senses. With all his desire to feel good, a person almost constantly feels bad (anxiety, resentment, jealousy, fear...) with periods of relief. Moreover, most often such people, with such a storm of negativity and pain inside and outside, try very hard to show that Everything is fine with them, or even good. A huge amount of energy is spent on all this chaos inside. The person seems to be torn by internal contradictions... And when the inner voice says that this is not normal, that the behavior of another with you or your behavior actually brings pain, the person also includes denial (this is real love, he or she are good).Addiction is a person’s inability to adequately express their feelings and feel them. Addiction is a huge number of suppressed feelings: Suppressed anger - I need to look kind and good Suppressed resentment - I can’t be seen, I’m strong Suppressed jealousy - I’ll pretend that I’m proud , that I don’t care. Moreover, they are very clearly visible to close people from the outside, and are also guessed by strangers from the non-verbal language of the Addict, who thinks that he looks like he is doing well. One of the serious stages of addiction therapy (which you can try to do partly on your own ) – this means learning to realize, accept and adequately express one’s real feelings. Moreover, feelings may not always be “with a minus sign”. In a state of Love Dependency (the other side of the Counter-Dependency coin), a person often has an internal ban on the full manifestation of feelings of Love (what if I open up and they hurt me), full-fledged care (what if I invest, but they don’t give me back), trust (no one can be trusted, since a person is not able to trust himself in the first place). Feelings are a signal that really happens to us. Having understood our feelings, it becomes possible to adequately satisfy our needs, including one of the most important for a person: the NEED for Love and Acceptance, both of YOURSELF and of a Partner, and then the ability to build real happy adult love and partnerships.. You can find other materials on the topic of getting out of Dependency and Codependency among my articles, including THESE: addiction therapy - structure addiction - learning to understand your feelings foundation of self-esteem - values ​​signs of NOT healthy personality boundaries If the article was interesting and useful to you - click “Say Thank You”If you recognize yourself and need help, sign up for a consultation HERECourse for independent work on yourself
