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It would seem that it could be simpler than the formula: eat only when you really want to eat. The only problem is that physiological hunger is not always easy to distinguish from psychological hunger. Sometimes our appetite grows simply because we are sad, worried, or going through a difficult period in life. Food becomes our way to support ourselves. There is a criterion by which we can distinguish one hunger from another, or at least try to do so. Physiological hunger increases gradually. This is understandable, the body’s energy also runs out gradually, and the feeling of hunger increases in direct proportion. Psychological hunger is rather impulsive. As hunger subsides, one can also draw conclusions. The physiological one passes as it becomes saturated, but the psychological one can continue indefinitely. In addition, any food will do to satisfy physiological hunger, while psychological hunger will force you to look for something tastier and more sophisticated. Guilt is also a very important indicator. If you have satisfied your physical hunger, you will be happy and calm; if you have tried to satisfy your psychological hunger, the gnawing feeling of guilt will be right there. Psychological hunger can not only be identified, but also quite successfully eliminated. The main idea here is that psychological hunger is an attempt to live through emotions, although most often, of course, not to live, but to hide as deeply as possible. This is a unique way to work through stress. The conclusion from this is: you can either try to prevent stress as much as possible so that there is no need to eat it, or, if a stressful situation has already started, find ways to survive it without the help of food. There are actually many ways to do this. For some, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and sports are suitable. A favorite hobby or communication with close friends can pull someone out of stress. It is important to find your own way, and not close yourself off, continuing to eat stress.
