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Continuing the previous article… “External beauty is even more precious when it covers the internal. A book, the golden clasps of which close the golden content, acquires special respect” (author W. Shakespeare) What do we mean when we talk about external and internal beauty? External beauty - is it generally accepted ideals or our own ideas about external beauty? Internal - education, good manners, tact? For me, internal beauty is about a state of mental well-being, harmony with oneself, stability (here: without emotional swings), calmness (here: without adrenaline addiction). The external one is a consequence of the state of harmony. For me: it is impossible to talk about harmony with your inner “I”, having complaints about your own appearance, and it is also impossible to love your external beauty, having dysfunctional beliefs about yourself. Therefore, if you want to have an appearance that is comfortable and harmonious for yourself, put things in order in your head. If you want to change your life, start with yourself. In total, an average of about 6,200 thoughts arise in a person’s head every day! “Thoughts create reality” (author) To be honest, I used to be skeptical about this kind of statement. I believed that only action has weight. But an action may be wrong or have a different result than we dream of, as long as negative programs are initially embedded in our head. In one of the famous cartoons, the main character compares himself to an onion: “Layers. Onions are multi-layered - so am I, layer upon layer.” The same is true for humans. There are several types of thoughts (cognitions). In the form of levels (or, as in our example, layers): - Negative automatic thoughts (specific thoughts about certain situations) - dysfunctional intermediate assumptions (rules of life, often created by a person for the purpose of survival and coexistence with his “deep beliefs" - core beliefs / programs (very general and absolute beliefs, applicable to a wide range of situations). (Pyss, by the way, remember how the cartoon ended? The main character is initially lonely, but wants to seem formidable and independent. Under this multi-layered negative attitudes, he still hides himself soft, friendly, fair, in a word, the real one. And only after understanding this, he finds a devoted friend and his love.) You need to start changing your thinking by tracking your automatic thoughts: the mood in the morning, looking in the mirror. woman in the morning. She went to the mirror. You can’t: “I need to go to a cosmetologist, my face has deteriorated, these sides again, there are so many things to do, etc.” Fall in love with yourself! Every morning! Through self-acceptance, work on improving oneself now begins, the desire to become better out of self-love. Once we learn to monitor our automatic thoughts, we relate them to feelings, physiological reactions and behavior. And then there is work with more deep thoughts described above in terms of levels: what feelings arise? Why? What led to this? Are these external factors or is it my real discomfort/comfort? This practice applies not only to working with appearance, but also to almost all areas of life. There is a direction in psychology: cognitive behavioral therapy, where proof of the importance of the way of thinking is fundamental. “Beliefs, philosophies, and patterns can cause powerful emotions and actions, and to eliminate or reduce negative emotions, a person must change his thoughts.” (authentic) Consultation 89174565250 (sign up via WhatsApp).
