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From the author: Adaptation to kindergarten - a mental strength test Is your child starting to go to kindergarten? It's time to test your psyche "for strength"... Summarizing the experience of my clients and acquaintances, I formulated several simple rules that allow you to "suffer to the fullest" using the moment of "putting your child in kindergarten in the morning." There are other notable moments in the adaptation, but this one is the absolute favorite. Rule one. Organizational. Bring your child to kindergarten under time pressure (it is advisable that you have 3-4 minutes to “undress and hand over to the teacher”, and then get to work in close time). This will increase the base voltage. Rule two. Let's use our brain. After leaving kindergarten, immediately begin to actively think about the topics “How bad it will be for him/her there,” “Why am I doing this to my child?”, “I’m probably a bad mother,” etc. and so on. The more categorical, the better. If you don’t have time to think at work, come back to them during your lunch break. If you like to visualize, imagine a picture with a child choking on tears and indifferent teachers. Stop all attempts to justify yourself in your own eyes (for example, if thoughts appear: “Of course, he/she likes it better with me than in the kindergarten... and any child will resist if you have to do something that you don’t want to do. But visiting kindergarten is necessary child, he/she socializes, learns to cope with difficulties, etc.” Rule three. Involve the child. In the evening, be sure to ask the child in detail about what he/she didn’t like in the kindergarten: how bored and sad he/she was without you, how. other children did not want to be friends and even fought, how the teacher forced them to dress and eat on their own, etc. We do not discuss positive aspects (walks, games with other children, with new toys, etc.), why should they be the result? maximum concentration of the child on the negative so that in the morning he wakes up in full combat readiness. Rule four: Turn to your loved ones for help. Find a person in your circle who is sincerely convinced that a woman’s whole life should be devoted to the child, and kindergarten, accordingly, is the way to “ get rid of the child in order to secure your freedom.” Discuss the problem of adaptation with him, and only with him. “Correct” feedback will firmly cement ideas of your own guilt in your head. Dads can participate too! Steadfastly refuse to take your child to kindergarten in the morning. Explain this by saying that it is easier for him/her to go with mom. When the child’s mother complains about how terrible it was in the morning, look away and ask doubtfully: “Are you sure that we need to do THIS? Maybe let him sit at home for now?” When talking with your child, it is very useful to count the days until the weekend, when (hurray-hurray!) you won’t have to go to “this garden.” With the help of such simple methods, you can already form a strong feeling within 2 weeks. guilt, accompanied by a decrease in mood, irritability, and, if you try, even health problems (pressure surges, headaches, etc.). Considering that adaptation to kindergarten takes on average 3 months, you can achieve truly remarkable successes. There is, however, one caveat - the more you achieve, the more time (and money) you will then spend getting rid of these “successes”. But that's a completely different story... Take care of yourself! Anna Kuznetsova
