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... Children's holiday... This very concept implies joy, happiness, inspiration, creativity, and most importantly - the magic of fulfilling children's wishes. How can parents help their child realize their creative abilities and experience the brightest feelings from this realization? What to do if the child refuses to participate in cultural events? It is important to perceive your child holistically: temperament, character, abilities, creative orientation, and, most importantly, the main thing is the desire of your baby. Temperament is a physiological indicator that determines the speed of nerve impulses. No matter how hard you try to put pressure on your child, the result will be just the opposite. As a result of your lectures, a slow baby will not become more active, and a fidget will not cease to amaze you with the number of thoughts and movements per minute. To balance the qualities that come from temperament, patience and time are important. Character is a child’s way of interacting with the world around him. When a baby is born, his surrounding world is mom and dad. Consequently, character is a way of interaction established by parents and developing up to three years of age. If your baby’s interaction with you and the world around you does not suit you, reconsider your habits, methods of communication and behavior in the family. Maybe something should be changed? Abilities are what the child is good at or what he has a strong interest in. The area of ​​abilities can be identified by observing the child and giving him the opportunity to gain experience. It is important to weigh the child’s physiological capabilities when choosing forms of activating these abilities. You should not enroll him in all clubs and sections and “work hard” on developing the identified inclinations. Give your child the opportunity to choose. If your demands exceed his age capabilities, due to a decrease in self-esteem, disappointment and aversion to this activity may occur. Here it is important to form a creative direction based on the child’s desire and support it in every possible way. A big mistake that parents and teachers often make is when they compare the abilities of children. “Dima can do it, but are you cut from a different cloth?” You need to learn the same way!” Rule No. 1: All children are different! At this moment we do not see the main thing - that our baby is not Dima, he is a different person, with his own special characteristics. If the child does not show a desire to participate in the holiday, try to talk with him and find out how he understands the meaning of the proposed event. Only when you are sure that the child understands the importance of the holiday can you find out whether he wants to take part in it and how he sees himself in this process. Does he feel joy from the upcoming holiday and does he want to share this joy? If your vision of your child’s participation in the event does not coincide with his vision, there will be no joy. Give the child the opportunity to choose his own way of manifestation based on his abilities. There is no need to force him to dance, sing or read poetry if he categorically refuses to do so. Perhaps his help will be invaluable in preparing and organizing the process itself - decorating the hall, making costumes and any other assistance. He will still feel involved in the event and will be satisfied with his contribution to the common cause. Watching the guys performing on stage, he can mentally try on these roles and next time he will choose a different option for expressing himself. Rule No. 2: Choose a script and characters taking into account the age characteristics of the child. For a child, play is a process inextricably linked with imagination. Refusal to participate in the event may be caused by the fact that the child cannot or does not want to associate himself with the chosen character. In kindergartens and centers this children's feature is often not taken into account. For example, the teacher informs parents that all boys in the group willbunnies, and girls are snowflakes. The kid may not agree with this. It is important to find out the reason for the disagreement, and if the child does not want to change his decision, it is important to convince the teacher to accept the image that the child offers, even if it is not like everyone else. When you invite artists to a holiday, make sure that their costumes and program suit yours children by age. Young children usually experience more deeply inside what they see. They often do not realize that this is a game and may accept the actions of adults as reality. I often hear from parents that when they see a clown, their child becomes hysterical, and after the holiday, Smesharik haunts the child in his worst dreams. Determine what is more important to you - the children’s joy from the miracle or pride in yourself that you are the organizer of this show. Are you ready to sacrifice the mental state of your baby for the sake of your moment of glory? What could be the reasons for shyness and lack of self-confidence? What can you do about this? Rule No. 3: Maintain your child’s self-esteem. If you really want to see your baby active and open, learn to respect and support any of his creative manifestations. Organize home theaters, invite guests for your child, involve his friends in joint creativity. Learn to sincerely praise your child for any attempt to show up as a creative person, be attentive to him. Analyze the experience gained with him: what worked well, what he didn’t like, how he could do it differently. Never force your child to play a role that he doesn’t like! It is important to free your mind from the idea that other people evaluate your baby not the way you would like. Your task is to make your child feel that you are nearby and ready to support him in any situation. Remember that skill is the result of desire and experience. A child’s confidence is a reflection of your self-confidence. And so your child agreed to take part in the holiday! How can I help you learn a role, a poem, etc.? Memory is the ability to preserve and reproduce an image. There are two types of memory: short-term and long-term, deep. There is an opinion that children have short-term memory. In fact, all the events and information that we experience with feelings are remembered forever, regardless of age. Therefore, if you turn memorizing a poem or role into a game, your baby will remember it faster and will repeat it with pleasure. It is important to choose a favorable moment when the child is positive about learning and discuss together the meaning of the text, what the author wants to communicate. You can invite him to draw a picture reflecting the events in the text to see how he understands the poem. And only when you feel your baby's positive attitude towards the information, you can start memorizing it, dividing the text into small parts. If you notice that your baby is tired, stop the activity immediately. Don't try to learn the text in one day. The child can strain all his strength and repeat after you, but a short-term memorization process will begin, which will convince you and the baby that he has a “bad memory.” In future studies, this can be very harmful, since a negative associative chain will arise: “learn - fixation on failure - fear - resistance.” If you managed to convince a child to participate in a holiday, learn a poem, but at the moment when you had to read it, the child suddenly didn’t want to do it - don’t scold him, tell him that he did well because he was able to learn, and that next time he can be more confident to tell. Rule No. 4: It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of your baby’s perception. People who have a predominant listening comprehension, it is easier to remember the text when repeated many times or using a melody. If the leading type of perception is visual, drawing and mental creation of an image will help (depending on age). The younger the child, the more
