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Puberty Puberty is the period of puberty, the transformation of girls into girls who reach physical maturity and become capable of bearing children. Puberty is a difficult time for teenagers: a time of a wide range of emotional and physical changes that are associated with the increasing production of the hormone GnRH in the brain. Changes occur in stages over several years and this process of change occurs differently for everyone, but the main stages are similar. Teenagers who were not ready for puberty experience confusion and communication with adults they can trust will be useful for them. Along with puberty, some teenagers experience new and, at the same time, typical emotions that are difficult to express and difficult for a teenager to cope with. : oversensitivity, irritation, anger, embarrassment, insecurity. Talking with a friend, parent or professional can help your teen sort through their feelings and understand their frequent mood swings. During puberty, teenagers often begin to experience attraction to other people, romantic feelings that cause pleasant excitement and embarrassment. Forewarned is forearmed. What can girls expect during puberty? What changes should teenage girls be warned about in advance? Let's start with the fact that puberty in girls begins earlier and lasts from 8 to 14 years. The body and emotions are out of control. Active growth is one of the first signs of the onset of puberty. The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics: armpit and pubic hair, breast enlargement. The first menstruation is the biggest change that occurs in a teenage girl. Weight gain: bones become heavier, the necessary adipose tissue increases and the pelvis expands, preparing the girl for future childbirth. Often teenage girls are embarrassed and irritated by acne on the face, oily hair on the head, and parents and others are embarrassed by the sweat and odors emanating from the teenager. In this case, we must remember the importance of personal hygiene. If parents warn their children in advance about the impending changes, then teenage children will be less anxious and will more easily endure this difficult puberty period. Sincerely, child and family psychologist, art therapist Lyudmila Dzhengurova You can sign up for a consultation here.
