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The path of self-love may seem difficult for those who have never loved themselves. They simply do not know how to do it. You will have to give up something, learn something. This article is for those who walk this difficult road in search of self-love. Today you will learn without which self-love is impossible 1. Without self-forgiveness. As long as we blame ourselves for mistakes and failures, we cannot love ourselves. We constantly remind ourselves of our imperfections. We tell ourselves the evil and unfair words that we once heard from nervous or stupid significant adults who are unable to properly love and care. By not forgiving ourselves, we deny ourselves. If you made a mistake, it means you won’t see good things. As a child, they didn’t let me watch cartoons or refused to buy a gift. And this pattern of behavior carried over into adulthood. If you made a mistake, made a mistake, or didn’t do something perfectly, it means you are not worthy of gifts from life. Forgive yourself. Like everyone, you make mistakes. There will be an opportunity to correct the mistake - you will definitely do it. It won't work out, it happens. Forgive yourself and allow yourself to live a better life without waiting for you to be perfect. 2. Without self-acceptance. We are imperfect. Not ideal. Some have extra pounds, some have a funny nose and freckles, some are embarrassed to express themselves, some have not received a higher education, some have a too compliant character. Each of us has light and darkness. Black and white. And blue, and pink, and green, and yellow. In the grand scheme of things, we are all rainbows. We have a lot mixed in. We may like some things and not others. And all of this is us. Miracle of the Universe. We often don't understand why we are like this. We may really want to change ourselves. And it is right. Because there may be qualities that prevent us from living. But first you need to accept yourself. And from this we can decide where and how to change, understanding that these changes will lead to an improvement in the quality of life. But this will not happen without 3. Knowing yourself. Who am I? What am I? What am I? What are my motives? Why did I come into this world? What do I love and why? What do I not like and why? What injuries have I received in this life? How should these wounds be healed? Know yourself. Your strength and your weakness. And then we will understand what we really want from life. Where are our desires, and where are the desires of other people? Why do I spend time at a job I don’t like? Because my mother said that a reliable piece in the public sector is better and then there will definitely be a pension? Does anyone see the logic? My dears! Do you really want to spend your life in agony, doing what you don’t like, getting crumbs, so that you can then receive even smaller crumbs in retirement? Why do I live with a drunkard husband who beats and humiliates me in front of the children? So that children have a father? Is he really the father? And what can he give to children other than fear, the pain of humiliation and a bad example? By the way, you yourself are setting a bad example for your daughters. Would you like such a fate for your little one? You will recognize yourself. Understand yourself. And then you can create the life that you like. 4. Without giving up selfishness. Selfishness is when a person demands to be loved and admired by everyone and, preferably, served. And self-love is when you can do just fine without universal love and adoration. An egoist is like an endless black hole. Constant control is good and right to love him. All for yourself and only for yourself. If something goes wrong, there is resentment and scandal. Self-love makes a person self-sufficient. And the energy of self-love is so strong that it can be shared with others. Self-love does not become dislike for others. Realizing our worth and having walked the path of self-love, we begin to better understand that in the soul of every person there is a battle between the true and the false, for the real self. And this is worthy of respect. 5. Self-love is impossible without gratitude to yourself. For everything that has been done. Because we can and do a lot. For not giving up and moving forward. For trying every day to make our lives better. And self-love will not happen if we always devalue our merits and achievements. Don't miss the opportunity to say +79622053564
