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Biographical work Our biography has an origin, a beginning, a miracle of birth, then a gradual entry into life, flourishing, maturity, and then withering, aging, departure, and ending. This is true for everyone. But each of us is unique and individual. We want to understand our own, individual and unique life. We ask questions: Who am I? Why am I living? Why do the events of my life turn out this way and not otherwise? Why do I meet people like this? How do I want to build my life in the future? What is life? What is death? ...It is important for us to find answers, because we want to be fulfilled as individuals, to find and realize the meaning of our existence and stay on Earth. Working with our life history usually happens in a group. Group space gives biographical work the dimension it should have—social. A biography is created by a person himself and performed by him in society when he meets (encounters) other people or new events and this changes his fate. This could be a meeting with a future husband or wife, or an encounter with someone who becomes our enemy. Such interference causes our life to change its direction. When we work with our lives in a social space, we can trace karmic connections and experience new encounters. But most importantly, we can look at ourselves and our life history with different eyes, with a new look. We can see a connection between events that was not noticeable before and discover new goals that can make our life meaningful and fulfilling. A person’s biography develops according to certain laws. A careful look can see 3 large periods, where the main themes are physical, mental and spiritual development. What we see in the human being itself - body, soul and spirit - is expressed in the very process of life, experiencing its formation, fulfillment and decline. Each of the themes is emphasized in one of the periods, the duration of which is approximately 21 years. (Biographical diagram by G. Burghard) Further years are a gift that a person feels as a certain internal liberation. The large rhythms of a person’s life for 21 years have their divisions of 7 years - 3 seven years in each major period. Every 7 years a person is given a new organ of comprehension in order to perceive the world in a new way. Then “he can comprehend the world with a new eye and thanks to this receive answers to new questions” (B. Livehud) The true homeland of man is not the Earth, but the spiritual world. We cannot understand human life if we do not rely on this idea. Having prepared his life in the spiritual world, having developed there everything that he brought from a previous life, a person comes to Earth again and continues his development. We can say that this earthly life is part of his development, a small segment of the path. When life on Earth ends, a person throws off his body like old clothes, takes the fruits of his development into the spiritual world and the transformation and transformation continues further. The biographical work was inspired by the philosopher and spiritual explorer Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in his numerous writings and developed by Bernard Livehud (1905-1992) and Gudrun Burghard. In the 80s - 90s of the last century, biographical work began to spread throughout the world, including in Germany, England and Brazil, the first courses and seminars appeared teaching profession of biographical worker. Currently, such courses are also available in the USA, Switzerland, France, Romania, Australia, the Netherlands, Japan, Israel and other countries. In Russia, the opportunity to take the full course “Training in Biographical Consulting” has appeared for the first time! The designated course is taught by experienced practitioners trained in England.
