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We, 8-year-olds, were then herded into the assembly hall and a “cartoon” was turned on. It is impossible to forget. Barefoot Gen is one of the most brutal anti-war films I have ever experienced. Not to watch, but to experience. A nail in a soft child's crown - it became the cause of my many years of nightmares. Who needed that homespun truth? What did the adults want then? Of course, they wanted to make us children understand how destructive war is. But in fact, we have learned how terrible the suffering of people who have no opportunity to influence the course of events is. One way or another, every night after that stress I screamed in my sleep. My dad saved me then. After questioning and listening to my ragged story about how afraid I am of nuclear war, he whistled and said: “Tyuyuyu! Don’t you know that there is an invisible grid over our country?! Any rocket that touches it will spring back and fly back along a special trajectory!” This fantasy became my support. After sobbing a couple more times, I stopped crying. But the fear of war remained forever. “It’s not war!” - Mom said when I broke the plate. “This is not war!” — she waved her hand when one day in May I failed my music test. “Not war!” - I whispered, smearing tears down my cheeks after falling into a puddle in a new white apron. Step by step, the understanding came to me that there is nothing terrible in life at all if there is a peaceful sky above your head and birds sing in the morning. Our parents raised us without grandmothers, and when they went on “late” visits, there was no one to place us with. I’m 8, my brother is 6 - quite rightly, they believed in us and left us alone. We didn't have any telephone at that time. By the way, my brother didn’t care at all! You could use it to set your watch: exactly at 21.00 he fell asleep even on the cubes. I, an owl by birth, lost the ability to sleep with the onset of darkness and became hypersensitive to sounds and rustles. In addition, my implicit claustrophobia at that time worsened. It was scary - terrible. But “it’s not war!” I saved myself by looking at the glowing windows in the house opposite. They looked like constellations. I mentally made mosaic images of them, gave them names, and imagined how people lived there. And she wished that her parents would certainly return before the last window went out. And it worked! There were always constant windows that kept me afloat. And my parents always managed to return. But that time, something didn’t go according to my plan. On one of these evenings, the house opposite was suddenly plunged into darkness. Either it was Sunday, and all the residents decided to get some sleep before the work week, or they simply turned off the electricity, but my brain couldn’t process what was happening and turned on the siren. Now I understand that it was a real panic attack. Safe for life, but endlessly painful for humans. I rushed around the apartment like a maddened panther until my gaze caught on a lonely window on the opposite side of our house. That's it!!! This was a guarantee that the parents were alive and it was simply not time to return home. So we spent a couple of hours: I looked at the window, and it looked at me. It was the school toilet window. But what does it matter if it has become my support. Support is what we need to look for now and help our children not lose. Where can I find it? There is an interesting story about how an experiment was carried out during the Lebanese-Israeli war. It was called the "International Peace Project in the Middle East." Specially trained people were sent to places that suffered most from hostilities. Their task was to create a world within themselves, and to remain in this for a long time. As if by magic, the military situation softened, conflicts subsided, and losses decreased. And all this exactly as long as the peacemakers kept the state of peace within themselves. As soon as they lost it, everything returned to its previous level. According to the results of the study, it allegedly became obvious that in order to somehow maintain peace on earth, it is necessary that there be a similar peace-making state
