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It is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the one who best adapts to change. Charles Darwin “Crisis” from ancient Greek is “a turning point, a transitional state, a turning point.” Here and we are now directly in his funnel. The year 2020 will probably be remembered by humanity for centuries. I often work with people who are overtaken by a personal or professional crisis, an age crisis, or a crisis of meaning. In a word, these are not fun periods. But they are quite predictable and, with appropriate support, easily passable. But today our personal crises are superimposed on a global crisis. The virus and the fear of getting sick, the closure of borders between states and problems with the financial system, which are likely to occur in all countries. It will be more difficult to cope. But if you are prepared and act calmly and according to plan, you will survive this troubled time with few losses. And they will. So, how to stay afloat during turbulence: 1. Reduce financial expenses. During times of change, reallocate resources to what is most important. During a period of uncertainty, it is worth laying low financially and not spending too much until it becomes clear how long this period will be. 2. Think about how to organize additional income online and create online accounts for yourself. If you are a teacher, or a trainer, or a doctor - virtual rooms, platforms for courses. It is unknown how long the forced isolation will last. In a word, if you can work on the Internet, then now is the time to take care of it. Perhaps it's time to change your profession or learn new knowledge and skills? 3. Complete “unfinished projects” if possible. For some it’s a hanging loan, for others it’s unfinished work at work, for someone it’s an unfinished book, for someone it’s unsorted information junk on the computer. Every unfinished task consumes a lot of energy and affects a person’s psycho-emotional state. Imagine that every unfinished business is an open window on the computer. This affects the speed of operation of the entire system, and in times of crisis, in times of change, clarity and efficiency will be extremely necessary. Exercise “Patching the gap through which energy leaks” Take a sheet of paper and write down all the unfinished tasks - from large ones that are not so easy to finish (toxic relationships, repaying loans, for example) to small household ones (washing dishes). Now we begin to divide it up list into three small ones: 1. Those things that can be completed in the near future.2. Those things that you decided not to finish at all (not finishing an uninteresting book - why waste time?)3. Those things with a completion date that are in question because they don’t depend on you. The first point is simple. Write down the date when you are going to finish these things and try to do it. The second one is very important! Decisions NOT TO FINISH things must be CONSCIOUS. Do not take into account the principles that guided you before, for example, you ALWAYS finished reading books. Now the situation is different and it is extremely necessary to preserve vital energy, so now, let’s say, you DECIDE not to finish reading this book. That is, at this point you also complete things, it just happens in a paradoxical way - you make a conscious decision not to complete them. As for the third list, it is the most difficult. After all, it is known in advance that completing these tasks is not easy. However, the effect of listing them on paper is considerable. Because, firstly, you stop keeping it in your head. And secondly, when the task is written on paper, it becomes clear and understandable. It’s okay that there are no resources to solve it now, but there is an understanding of what will need to be done in the future. Check the effectiveness of this exercise for yourself. Take your time. 4. Take care of your health. In difficult times, it is important to be able to withstand the blow, and uncertainty itself is a blow: the ground disappears from under your feet, it is unclear what will happen tomorrow. Therefore - healthy food, good sleep,.
