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The ability to see the world in different colors is an amazing gift. One of the manifestations of color is clothing. Clothing reveals a person’s individuality and contains primary information about its owner. Remember Suteev’s Fairy Tales: “The Rooster and the Paints,” where they forgot to color the drawn rooster, and everyone said that it was not real. Indeed, color in clothing plays a huge role. There is a proverb: “Clothing makes people,” but a specialist in color psychotherapy would paraphrase it as follows: “The COLOR OF CLOTHING MAKES PEOPLE.” So, let’s consider how the color of clothing affects us and those around us. RED COLOR If you feel that you lack vital energy on the eve of your vacation, feel free to use red in your clothes. It could be a red jumper or jacket, etc. From a physiological point of view, red primarily affects the heart and blood circulation (eliminates congestion). ), stimulates the immune system, activates metabolism, which is why it is able to warm the body and revitalize a person’s feelings. In color therapy, this color is used when a person’s vitality needs to be strengthened or restored, when it is necessary to refill a weakened body with life-giving forces. suitable for those people who feel very tired, who cannot “come to their senses” after any mental shock, who are under the influence of a long-term or severe stress factor, such as divorce, death of a loved one, illness, etc. It will useful if you suffer from hypotension, infectious diseases (by the way, it was not for nothing that in the old days children were wrapped in red scarves to cure measles; also, a neurologist often “prescribes” a patient suffering from migraine attacks to make a tight headband from red woolen fabric colors). Conclusion: red color increases and strengthens the strength of anemic and not very energetic people. By charging a person with energy, the color red helps him fight depression. However, red is harmful to overly emotional, irritable and easily excitable people. YELLOW COLOR. .Yellow color will help if you are captured by a melancholy mood, blues and persistent passivity. It helps you relate to events more easily and look at the world easier. This color primarily affects melancholic people prone to internal conflicts and passivity. Thus, if you greeted the summer with a lack of energy and a lack of desire to communicate, then the combination of red and yellow colors in your wardrobe will be ideal. Why? Because the color yellow is associated with the human solar plexus and with the entire nervous system. It gently stimulates and strengthens the nervous system, enhances the intellect, activates logic, promotes the ability to clearly express one's thoughts (it activates the centers of the brain that control thinking and speaking), increases the feeling of optimism and self-confidence. I recommend this color to those who are tired of the stress caused by life’s disappointments, who do not feel at ease in communicating with other people, to those who are burdened by intrapersonal conflicts. Unlike red, yellow does not excite, but stimulates, therefore it is contraindicated in a state of overexcitation. ORANGE COLOR. If you lack a sense of psychological freedom and the ability to adapt to external circumstances, dress up in orange, summer is very conducive to this! This color will also help if you are burdened by daily responsibilities. Orange color, being a mixture of yellow and red, will help you to be more active. Orange color is also characterized by a rejuvenating effect on the body and contributes to its overall strengthening. Orange is beneficial for the endocrine system (for example, wearing an orange scarf around the neck helps normalize thyroid function), and also reduces irritability and emotional instability, which are some of the consequencesdiseases of this organ. GREEN COLOR. If you feel apathy and indifference to everything, have mental instability and increased irritability, if you want to be more open and calmer, green color will help you. This color, with prolonged exposure, helps to increase the balance of character. When exposed to the human nervous system, green color exhibits intermediate properties between warm and cold colors; it is both refreshing and calming. This color raises vitality, at the same time relieves mental stress, promotes relaxation and sleep in case of insomnia. Since green glasses have a balancing and calming effect, they can be recommended to be worn during nervous breakdowns, overwork, and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you have good eyesight, you can buy sunglasses with greenish lenses or glasses for your home with lenses of the appropriate color. This color creates a slight but lasting increase in mental performance and promotes concentration. The influence of green creates a feeling of peace and balance, calm and renewal - it’s not for nothing that we feel so good in nature, in the forest. BLUE COLOR. If you begin to show excessive emotionality and do not control your reactions, use blue. Generally speaking, the color blue is used in color therapy to restore strength during deep experiences. We recommend it to people suffering from mistrust, anxiety, tension - this color can give a feeling of security. It has a positive psychotherapeutic effect for melancholy, hypochondria, hysteria, and epilepsy. Blue tones help with hyperexcitability and insomnia. Therefore, if you suffer from sleep disorders, choose linen and bedding in blue or shades of blue. For people with low self-esteem, blue is a must. After all, on a subconscious level, it is perceived by people as the color of self-sufficient and self-confident women. But be careful: when you are wearing a blue top or trousers, strangers will be afraid to approach you, because this color increases the distance. It is worth noting another important and piquant detail: sex therapists believe that the color blue and all its shades look very sexy and attractive, as well as incredibly mysterious. So don’t be shy about wearing it on dates. PINK COLOR. Pink color has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves mood, promotes muscle relaxation and deep sleep. An interesting experiment was conducted in one of the pediatric clinics in France: pink underwear was introduced for small patients. This made it possible to cheer up even seriously ill children, after which the number of children who recovered sharply increased! PURPLE COLOR. This color is surrounded by mystery and an intriguing aura. The mysterious "people in purple" are supremely talented and quick to perceive spiritual ideas. This color is often chosen by artists, philanthropists and those who consider themselves an outstanding personality. These dreamers are attracted to mysticism. Lovers of purple see new solutions and new perspectives. But people who prefer this color may be “incomprehensible” to others. WHITE COLOR. White color in clothes means the beginning. The color will help if you are spiritually bitter and would like to relieve this inner tension. On a subconscious level, a person who wears white is perceived as a cheerful and optimistic person. White clothing is associated with high spirits and solemnity, which is typical for official and festive events. White color controls the functions of the endocrine and visual systems. White clothes make the skin much softer and more delicate. BLACK COLOR. The color promotes composure, discipline, endurance and perseverance. But if you are prone to depression or are obsessed with some kind of mania, you should not wear black clothes, especially in the summer. GRAY COLOR. If gray color predominates in clothes, a person tends to strive to find ideal feelings,!!!
