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I continue to talk about health and happiness, sharing my experience of healing and building a happy life. Previous articles examined general life principles that, in my opinion, influence life expectancy: do everything for yourself with joy and love, find your own business and mind your own business, develop Spiritually; He also spoke about how to build a happy life and what should be done for this based on the experience accumulated by various systems of human development. Life expectancy is an important topic and I will continue to consider some aspects of this topic. And in this article I talk about yoga and about such an important concept, in my opinion, as the meaning of life. About yoga. Without entering into various philosophical discussions about what yoga is, what it includes, and without trying to consider something abstract, divorced from concrete life, I talk about such main aspects of yoga as control and concentration. And immediately the question is, think, remember, do you control yourself somewhere, for example, your actions, any of your activities, your emotional states, etc., do you concentrate on what you are doing at a given moment in time? Each of you will answer these questions in your own way. Some people know about such concepts, some don’t, some work with it, some don’t. I talk about control and concentration using general examples in more detail. In my articles, I often talk about my experience of wellness work with myself. How does this kind of work relate to control and concentration? I think everyone who is involved in their health improvement knows that working with yourself in the direction of your health means controlling your emotional states (optimism promotes health), your diet, and the amount of physical activity. And the required amount of clean water should be drunk every day, and hardening the body will not hurt. Relaxation promotes healing and restores strength, which is gained through concentrating on those parts of the body with which you work. In yoga, a lot of attention is paid to the ability to relax; all asanas, Pranayama, Savasana, and especially meditation, are performed with the relaxation of all non-working muscles of the body. If you want to be healthy, concentrate on being healthy - work, work and work with yourself in this direction. Self-control and concentration on what you are doing are also related to your professional development. The more concentrated your attention is at your workplace you perform your work, the more successfully your activities will progress. The more attention you pay to your professional education and the development of your business, the better and faster your business will develop. In any human development, the quality and speed of developing new things will also largely depend on control over oneself and on the concentration with which a given person will perform certain actions and develop new things in the direction of his development. And in Spiritual development. I think that almost everyone who is engaged in their Spiritual development, following their true path of Spiritual development, will agree with me that control and concentration are of no small importance here. In yoga, control and concentration are developed consciously. When performing asanas, Pranayama, Shavasana, practicing contemplation, practicing meditation, etc. self-control and concentration on what you are doing at a given moment, what you are doing is given special attention. Naturally, many who practice yoga use these developments in their lives for their health, building their professional activities, for their development, for moving along their true path of Spiritual development. About the meaning of life. Everyone, or almost everyone, as I believe, “thinks about their future.” Everyone, or almost everyone, has their own idea of ​​the future, their own meaning of life! Do you need a certain focus on the future in life and what does it give? Next I.
