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“I don’t want to boast, but my child is unique, despite the fact that she is only two years old. Everything is enough on the fly. That’s why we don’t use foul language; my husband doesn’t smoke in front of the child. In general, we try once again “not to make mistakes” with the baby. And then it’s my daughter’s birthday. We gathered a circle of close people. Mostly grandparents, godparents and very dear relatives. And then my husband’s mother decided to “humor.” I started teaching my daughter how to “clink glasses.” Everyone is laughing, but whatever the child, everyone is having fun, which means there is nothing wrong with hitting a sippy cup with a glass of wine. It is clear that I cannot take the child away from the table when everyone is making toasts and knocking glasses according to tradition. But why teach a child to do “this” intentionally? She will go to kindergarten, start knocking on everyone, and what will I say to the teachers? How can I explain that my husband and I don’t drink and that we have a grandmother with a sense of humor?” I would like to say right away that you are in vain to worry so much and take everything too close to your heart. Most likely, as I assume, after a few minutes the child forgot about everything and got busy with those things that were more interesting to him, and did not run to pour liquid into glasses and did not start knocking with dishes. I hope that the “one-time action” will not leave a special mark in the child’s memory and quickly lose its meaning for him. There is no need to look for and formulate a problem until it has not yet revealed itself to the world. If the teacher suddenly notices such a “tendency” in your child to knock glass against glass and informs you about such an incident, explain to the teacher how the child learned the lesson. Moreover, you are already actively working to eradicate the child’s previously acquired meaningless skill. On the other hand, you are approaching the child’s upbringing correctly and trying to prevent him from developing unnecessary skills. Of course, because in the future you will have to spend a lot of free time trying to eradicate them. Are you unhappy with the way your mother-in-law acted? Talk to her about this topic and explain that you would not want her to act like this next time. It’s hard to disagree with you in the sense that learning to clink glasses is not the best skill and one filled with special rich meaning for a child, which he must master. If you understand that you cannot discuss this issue with your mother-in-law, then try delegating this task to your husband. Explain that this is very important to you and you are very concerned about this issue. Be reasonable, calm, don't get hysterical. Present your claim in an adequate form. Why should your behavior meet these criteria? In order not to provoke a conflict with her husband. I’m sure your husband will be able to discuss the problem with his mother. Don’t run away from problems, but don’t look for them where they don’t exist. We resolve any issue as it comes in. What do you think about this incident? A harmless joke or an unreasonable act? Sign up for a consultation: Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram: +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Savenko Andrey Vladimirovich A better future awaits you!
