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Once upon a time there was a woman in the world and her name was Sabina Spielrein, an amazing person endowed with intelligence and courage. She was the first to bring classical psychoanalysis to Russia, although it was appreciated at that time and declared a perversion due to the ability of analytical theories to show the people the pathology of the top officials of the state. Well, that’s not what we’re talking about now. So Sabina, and it was she, and not Freud, who stole the idea from her, and not Comrade Jung, who treated her even more ugly, who proposed the fundamental idea of ​​psychoanalysis, revealed in her work “Destruction as the Cause of Formation.” Why am I talking about this? Here's why. The other day I went out into the garden, and there was such a sight... as if spring itself wanted to show winter an indecent gesture. Nature itself, in my opinion, confirmed Spielrein’s postulate - you won’t be satisfied with Eros alone, nature creates new forms from a cocktail of two forces - Eros and Thanatos, approach and distance, retention and rejection, love and hate, life and death - a cocktail of the passion of Life, or “cognitive aggression”, “secure attachment”, “stable personal boundaries” - in the rhetoric of other authors. So His Majesty's passion for life is energy, a charge of potentials, as on opposite sides of the membranes of nerve cells, which causes, at the peak of tension, a discharge, action, thought, self-understanding, like a primary explosion, which, according to some theorists, awakened our world and life in him. And this is what I want to share. If you combine Sabina Spielrein’s ideas about destruction as the cause of formation and Estella Welldon’s ideas that perversion is an erotic form of hatred, then everything works out. For Passion, a membrane, a boundary is needed, then this is a flash, an explosion of creative Divine energy, and if it so happens that nothing separates the two objects, there will be a merger, mutual absorption, a dark flash, the opposite of the act of creation, a Black Hole, antimatter. Thus, love your only and priceless ones, passionately, desire them as much as it is possible to love another, cherish and protect your children, giving your all, because they are not us, they are others. And let the sparks fly, it’s better to flare up for a short time than to smolder all your life for no one knows why. Happy spring to you, friends!
