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Abuser: - “She is thrown from a fiery furnace into the freezing cold.” The best indicator of what you need is only you. Your compass is your feelings. If you feel bad, it doesn’t matter whether the person wanted or didn’t want to hurt you, the fact is that he did it. And the words: “I didn’t want to!” should not be misleading. You feel bad, this is the first sign that you need to react by protecting yourself. This is not necessarily a break, but it is a clear conversation that this cannot be done to you and that you will not tolerate such things. This is how you build healthy relationships, even with abusers. Moreover, abusers with such treatment will walk on their hind legs, although it would seem. The mistake of asking someone what to do is the first sign of becoming dependent both on the person who causes pain and on whose advice you are asking. Double addiction is a double blow, first of all, to you. You can discuss the situation with a loved one or a psychologist, look at it from different angles in order to make a decision yourself, on your own. This is probably the best option."What if a man, at first, bombarded him with messages, as he loves, and then slowly pulled away, writing, everything is fine, I'm just busy! What to do next so as not to lose the man's interest? Because now I write to him more than he does.” “The steel obeys obediently, it is flattened by the hammer. She is thrown from a fiery forge into the freezing cold. And in this torture, and in this torture, and in this repeated torture... a damask blade is born!” This can be said about metal, which as a result of “hardening” only becomes stronger. And this can be said about a person, if we talk about the body, about the spirit. But with such an approach in relationships, completely different things happen. The one who does this is a manipulator, interested and takes the relationship to himself. It forces another to manifest itself, which undoubtedly brings him satisfaction, for the sake of which (even unconsciously) this happens. If we talk about who they do this to, then this is prostration and lack of understanding of what is happening. A desire to clarify and caution in expressing this desire. The “swing” begins to work when they don’t write to you, you are at the bottom and in anxiety, and what, and why, when they wrote, you rise to the sky (euphoria), but this state is far from conscious. Because as soon as you inhale, you go down again. This is how the victim “dangles” between heaven and earth. The same swing of an abuser who has caught another victim in his net. What you need to understand for yourself and what questions to answer: 1 What to do with this person? Run away from him.2 Why did he stick to you? It’s difficult to answer this question on your own; it’s good if it’s a conversation with a loved one or a psychologist. *Work with a psychologist, Whats App: 8-926-133-29-56, ttps://algorpsy.online/ *Work with a psychologist, Whats App: 8-926-133-29-56, ttps://algorpsy.online/
