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How does a self-respecting person behave? A self-respecting person behaves in the following ways: He protects his boundaries and defends his rights. He does not tolerate behavior that is undesirable for himself and does not agree to unfair treatment. He does not is afraid to express his opinion and does so with respect for other people. He does not allow other people to control his life or make decisions for him. He understands and accepts his responsibility for his actions and decisions. He cares about his health and well-being, follows his goals and dreams. He does not seek confirmation or approval from other people, but respects their opinions. He treats others with dignity and expects the same from them. He makes choices in accordance with his important values ​​and principles. He is not afraid to be himself and does not hide his feelings or opinions. He is not afraid to ask for help or support when needed. He does not look for the perfect partner and accepts people with all their flaws. He is not afraid of being alone and is ready to continue living his life regardless of whether he is in a relationship or not. He does not put relationships first in his life and understands that his happiness depends on himself. A self-respecting person also understands his worth and does not allow other people to treat him unworthily. He does not tolerate violence, fraud or bullying in any relationship and protects himself and his interests. He also behaves ethically with other people, respecting their individuality and independence. Independence and self-respect help a person to be strong and worthy in relationships and life in general. Independence and self-respect help create healthy and happy relationships with other people. How to become a person who respects and values ​​yourself? To become a person who respects and values ​​yourself, you can take the following steps: Getting to know your values ​​and desires: Understanding what is important to you and what you want in life, will help you act on them and not accept undignified or unacceptable behavior from other people. Developing self-awareness: Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you accept your mistakes and find ways to compensate for your shortcomings with strengths. Self-respect: Respect your personality, your needs and desires . Don't tolerate inappropriate or unacceptable behavior from others, learn to say no and protect your boundaries. Practice self-education: Regularly developing your skills and knowledge will help you feel more confident and value your worth accordingly. Practice physical and spiritual health: Taking care of your physical and spiritual Health will help you feel better and increase your self-esteem. It is important to note that the process of becoming a person who respects and values ​​himself can take time, require perseverance and patience. It is important to surround yourself with supportive and understanding people who will help you on your path to self-respect and independence. Sincerely, your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution, then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60 Sign up for a therapeutic group for people in codependent relationships (online).
