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There are always many situations in our lives when we feel like victims of circumstances. But it is important to remember that we have power over our destiny and are able to find ourselves in any situation. In this article we will look at several self-help methods that will help you find yourself and stop being a victim. The first way is to realize your own responsibility for your life. Instead of considering yourself a victim of circumstances, think about what actions and decisions you made to find yourself in this situation. Remember that you can always choose your response to events and accept responsibility for your actions. There are many different ways to develop, feel, feel your awareness and let it grow - self-reflection, meditative techniques, journaling, art therapy, psychodrama and much more. The second way is to search for your true “I”. Often we become victims of circumstances because we do not know what we really want and what we are really striving to achieve. Set goals for yourself, think about your passions and interests. When you find your true purpose, you will stop being a victim and start being the master of your destiny. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what my goal is, to do this you need to change your focus and expand the boundaries of your perception - (and again))) - meditation, diary entries followed by reflection, self-reflection. The third way is the ability to accept failures and imperfections. Things don't always go according to plan, and that's okay. Instead of swearing at yourself or blaming circumstances, learn to learn from your failures and use them as a way to grow and develop. P.S. Avoid the pitfalls of self-flagellation, most often it begins when a person is tired mentally and physically. Strengthen your thinking through strengthening your body, for example - a healthy eight-hour sleep and walking is already a big step on this path. The fourth way is to develop personal strength and self-confidence. When you believe in your strength and are confident in yourself, you stop being a victim and become the master of your destiny. Develop your skills, learn new things, look for opportunities for self-development. Ultimately, this will help you find yourself and achieve success. These fairly easy steps will help you outline the vector of your self-development and give you a feeling of greater certainty in the world.
