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The month begins on the 26th lunar day. Its symbol is "Toad". This is the day of revealing hidden information and cutting off unnecessary connections. For some, it may turn into conflicts, a showdown; for others, someone will finally be able to get an answer to a question that has been tormenting them for a long time; for others, tests and exams await them. And anyone can act as an examiner - from a tax inspector to a Higher Power, when life itself confronts us with a serious choice, and then, depending on the decision made, presents us with a bill. But everything negative, fortunately, will have no consequences and will disappear into oblivion how the ripples on the water from a stone thrown into it diverge over time. This will happen due to the fact that the entire day of September 1st the Moon will be without a course. Therefore, everything started on this day will not be continued. You can specifically initiate a showdown if this issue is long overdue, knowing for sure that the quarrel will not drag on and nothing will happen to you for your initiative. As already mentioned in the previous forecast, by September 10, the “Star of David” will be installed in the sky - one of the happiest configurations, which provides protection, support from the Higher Powers, and the full implementation of plans. During this period, you can start any business that is important to you: open a company, start a family, give birth to a child, go to work, launch a new project, etc. If you want to quickly complete something, then you should start it on September 2-3 (sell something or complete a lawsuit, etc.). If you want your project to live happily ever after, then the best time to start it is from September 6 to 10, excluding the period of the Moon without a course (see astrological calendar). On September 9, an exact square of Mars and Saturn is formed. This aspect creates a situation similar to when we press the gas and the brake at the same time. Something, somewhere may explode - literally and figuratively. For each individual person, this depends on what important points of his natal or progressive, as well as annual chart, the aspect touches. On this day (two days before and after), conflicts, accidents, breakups, and exacerbation of diseases are possible. On September 14, a trine of Venus and Neptune is formed. This is the period when feelings become refined and sublime. We are drawn to the world of art, poetry, beauty, romance. You can make your evening (or maybe a day or morning) magical by spending it in the company of a loved one or people close to you in spirit. On September 15, the square of Mercury and Pluto takes place, and on September 16, the opposition of Mercury and Uranus occurs. A traumatic period when special care should be taken, both on the roads and at home. Also, these aspects provoke us to conflicts and breakups. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance of a calm state of mind these days, so as not to “break the woods” in the heat of the moment and not regret what you did later. On September 19, there will be a conjunction between Venus and Saturn - a new cycle is being laid on the topics of interaction between these planets. Venus is beauty, harmony, art, love, any relationship based on partnership, be it business, co-authorship or creating a family. Saturn – structure, form, discipline, law. “Structuring beauty”, giving it form, leads to the creation of beautiful paintings, sculptures or architectural structures. Legitimizing relationships - concluding a marriage or an agreement on cooperation and partnership in business. Therefore, if you need partners (in any field) or you dream of an unusual design in your home, car, office, or maybe you want to create a workshop or modeling factory and tailoring - it's time to start your project on this day. Anything can serve as a starting point - sketches, sketches, preliminary agreements, a marriage proposal, or simply meditation on a given topic. September 27 Venus trine Jupiter. The day is good for shopping, making profitable sales, interacting with authorities, resolving issues in court, studying, and traveling abroad. September 28 Venus square Mars. On this dayThere may be conflicts with partners, between men and women, both in marriage and in business. But intense aspects of Venus and Mars also often attract people to each other, awakening passion and strong sexual desire. With mutual consent, these aspects can give you an unforgettable night of love (although sadomasochistic tendencies come into play here). Otherwise, the risk of violence increases. On September 9, Mercury enters the sign of Libra. We become more diplomatic, it is easier for us to make compromises, it is easier for us to accept the point of view of our interlocutor, especially if we like him. Interests are directed towards art and partnerships. However, in contacts we become more selective, prefer a narrow circle of well-known people, avoid large groups and crowded parties. We are often subject to fluctuations from one point of view to another, we cannot give preference to any specific idea and this makes us procrastinate. making a decision. This is especially typical for those who also have Mercury in Libra in their natal chart. But for the rest, the listed trends are more typical in these 3 weeks than in any other period. Already on September 29, Mercury moves into the sign of Scorpio. Thinking becomes deeper, it concentrates on some issue that is important for a person, which is studied and researched in detail. We have already chosen for ourselves some concept, idea that corresponds to our picture of the world, and are able to defend our interests. Sarcasm appears in speech, and the words sound fascinating and very convincing. We intuitively feel the interlocutor and are able to instill in him our thoughts, convey our perception of the world. Interest in magic, occultism, esotericism, hypnosis, past lives, and also sex increases. On September 11, Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio. Emotions become more severe, a feeling arises that the partner is somehow not very loving - and it doesn’t matter how he actually behaves. If he shows attention and care, suspicions arise in the Soul - “Why is this, suddenly ? Does it make amends? He probably went to the side. Or maybe he’s fallen out of love and that’s why he’s deliberately playing at love. He needs something from me...” If everything is as always: “Yes, feelings have cooled down. There are no more old passions. He is not so gentle and caring. Soon he will completely fall out of love. Or maybe a rival has already appeared, etc.” This happens because Venus is in exile in Scorpio. She finds it difficult to express herself. A person does not feel loved; he constantly needs external confirmation of feelings. And even if he gets what he wants, he begins to suspect his partner of insincerity. Jealousy, dissatisfaction with a partner, relationships, self-doubt, sexual complexes and problems worsen. On September 23, at 0 hours, 50 minutes, the Sun enters the sign of Libra. This is the day of the autumn equinox. The Sun in Libra manifests itself almost the same way as Mercury. He will be characterized by a desire for harmony, a balance of justice. On the one hand, this tendency is manifested in special diplomacy, tact, and courtesy. On the other hand, in uncertainty, hesitation, indecision. We are also attracted to art, drawn to beautiful things, there is a desire to update the interior, make it more harmonious, elegant and aesthetically designed. If a person’s natal Sun is in air signs, especially in Libra, then During this period, he (to a greater extent than usual) tends to “dissolve” in a partner, in an idea (Aquarius) or in a flow of information (Gemini), almost completely losing his individuality. If a person’s natal Sun is in other signs, then during this period he becomes more accommodating, compliant and flexible than at other times, especially on those days when the transit Sun makes aspects to his Sun, as well as to personal planets or planets from 1st house. On September 20, Pluto turns its course to direct (direct) movement. His power and strength are again turned to society, where he will again begin his transformative and]
