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It is believed that in big cities almost every second person has allergies. And in fact, this is a fairly common disease where mental and physical (somatic) phenomena are closely intertwined. In this article I will briefly outline how the somatization of psychological problems occurs and what can be done about it. An allergy is when the immune system of our body launches inappropriately a strong defensive response when interacting with non-aggressive substances, for example, pollen, dust, fluff, food, etc. The body's reaction to allergies can manifest itself on the skin, in the respiratory system, and in the gastrointestinal system. In this case, literally anything can be an allergen, including infections and sunlight. Psychoanalytic theory assumes that any disease is reflected in the mental apparatus and cannot be lived separately from the body. It works both ways. Therefore, when the psyche cannot process any stress or conflict, then it receives expression in the body. If we return to allergies, then, apparently, purely in the psyche it would have the structure of a phobia. A phobia is an irrational uncontrollable fear in a certain situation or in anticipation this situations. These situations, like allergens, are also absolutely not to blame. With a fear of heights, closed or open spaces, birds, spiders and other cute animals, a person may be seized by panic when, in fact, nothing threatens him. But he experiences this as a mortal danger, often realizing that, in fact, he has nothing to fear in this situation. It turns out that a severe allergic reaction, for example inflammation, itching, swelling or suffocation, upon contact with a harmless substance, if you take Taking into account the above, it looks like a phobia - an irrational fear of the body. The mechanism of occurrence of a phobia in psychoanalysis is described as a displacement of negative emotions (fear, resentment, disgust) from an object that the patient is really afraid of, but for one reason or another does not accept as a source of danger , to a neutral object or situation. In this case, the neutral object is connected with the real cause of panic indirectly or associatively, and the connection itself and its source are repressed into the unconscious. Only the trigger itself, the situation or reason that sets pathological processes in motion, is amenable to awareness. Thus, fear of heights or flying may actually be a fear of the unknown, or loss of control. Also, the fear of closed spaces can be a fear of losing freedom of action, a feeling that circumstances are constraining and strangling you. But admitting to yourself this childhood irrational fear is very problematic. When the thinking and psyche are, in principle, incapable of working with phobias, or feeling fear is unacceptable or shameful for it. When there is no mental strength, then this phobia moves to the body and becomes, in our example, an allergic reaction. At the same time, unconscious and unprocessed negative emotions and conflicts now appear as bronchial asthma, dermatitis, rhinitis, etc. Fears of violating clear boundaries among people keeping a distance can become an allergy to infections or insect bites. And the fear of absorption, merging, when a person’s boundaries are soft and unclearly constructed, is manifested by allergies or skin diseases. At the same time, you need to remember that everything is individual and can manifest itself and act according to different scenarios. Just as life and destiny are different for different people, so the same, at first glance, phobia can become different types of allergies. And the same with diseases that manifest themselves in the same symptoms, but can be a somatization of various phobias. Any phobia is always directly related to separation anxiety, and a person can experience strong emotions due to parting with someone or something. In his psyche there may be a parallel association of separation, leaving his parents. For example, when growing up and moving from one age group to another. The very first!!!
