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People don’t come to a psychotherapist because they have a good life. As a rule, the experiences of a person who decides to convert are painful. The patient experiences despair, fear, anger, disgust, and resentment. These experiences are very difficult to carry within yourself, it is difficult to cope with them. The above feelings are painful, unpleasant, and a person strives to get rid of them, which is quite natural. So what does the package have to do with it? I see this analogy here. The experiences I mentioned are toxic in large quantities, and if a person experiences them for a long time, they poison his soul and body as a whole. People are well-mannered, polite and reserved; they accumulate all this within themselves and do not express it outwardly. During a psychotherapeutic session, you can see how a person literally “swallows” his feelings that are asking to come out. Tears and screams come, but he holds back. When a person eats something wrong, he feels sick. It's disgusting, disgusting, but the thought that vomiting is inevitable is even nastier once you imagine the whole process. But there is also an understanding that it is impossible to keep this abomination inside. Vomiting is a protective physiological process and it occurs against the will and desire of a person and after that it becomes much easier, although the process itself is very unpleasant. It's hard to even imagine holding back vomiting and the consequences of holding back. What happens to feelings? They ask to come out, but a well-mannered person restrains them. The result is self-poisoning of the psyche and body. Unexpressed feelings need to go somewhere and they “get stuck” in the muscles and internal organs, which creates the ground for various diseases. What to do? The psychotherapist creates a safe environment so that the patient can react to his feelings: talk, shout, cry, draw, show with pantomime. All means are good here. The psychotherapist himself can be “hooked”; the patient’s feelings can also be directed towards him. The psychotherapist's task is to accept these feelings while remaining in a relationship with the patient and help him endure his experiences. Feelings can be expressed and their intensity reduced. It happens that people want to get rid of feelings and emotions, and “treat” their experiences with the help of anti-anxiety pills, alcohol, cigarettes, and food. This path is obviously a losing one, since over time a person can develop a dependence on all these “medicines”. The “hygiene package” at an appointment with a psychotherapist is his ability to create conditions for a person in which he can express his difficult experiences. In addition, the psychotherapist must be able to withstand the patient’s feelings directed towards himself. After all, at first the patient may “take it out” on the psychotherapist and express complaints, and this is quite natural. No one taught him to express his experiences differently, that’s why he came. How does this expression of feelings at an appointment with a psychotherapist differ from the traditional “pour out your soul to a friend” (or girlfriend)? Pouring out your soul to a loved one - it helps for a while, it becomes easier, provided that they simply listen to you and do not give advice, which most often turns out to be useless. A psychotherapeutic session is organized not only and not so much for the splashing out of emotions. At an appointment with a psychotherapist, a person, with the help of a psychotherapist, studies his experiences, the situations that caused them, revises his beliefs - all this in order to understand the problematic situation and change it. Psychotherapeutic work is a way to understand yourself, your deepest needs, and change behavioral patterns. Thanks to therapy, a person learns to direct the energy that a person previously spent on useless struggle and strong difficult experiences to direct the creation of a satisfying life..
