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Being in love is a strong psycho-emotional attraction to a person. Being liked by someone is exciting, a surge of strength appears, butterflies flutter in your stomach. On the other hand, falling in love can be traumatic and painful if you realize that you are not mutually in love. Often, a state of non-reciprocal love leads to emotional dependence on a partner. The main sign of love addiction is the presence of obsessive thoughts towards a partner, the desire to possess him. A person in a state of addiction suffers from pathological jealousy and experiences panic at the thought of breaking up the relationship. In addition, he tries in every possible way to get attention from his partner, to keep him near him. Being in this state, you need to understand how to stop feeling sympathy for someone. We cannot control our feelings, but there are certain steps that can calm the intensity of our feelings and help us let the person go: Step 1. Take responsibility for what is happening. You have to really want to stop loving this person. Let him go and hope that circumstances will change and there will be a chance that your feelings will become mutual. Step 2. Distance. No matter how sad you may be to stop dating this person, constant or regular communication with him makes the process of breaking up more difficult. Talking to your partner will remind you of why you like that person so much, or even enhance your feelings, and it will give you more “moments” to replay in your head. Try to spend less time with him. Limit your energy and attention. If you can't avoid him completely (for example, if he's a co-worker, classmate, or member of a group of friends you see frequently), keep your distance the entire time you're in the same space. Of course, you don't need to be rude or completely ignore him, you need to keep the conversation to a minimum and try to avoid one-on-one interactions. Step 3. Emotional distance. If you can’t completely limit yourself from your partner, communicate neutrally, superficially. Figuratively speaking, you can communicate with him the way you would communicate with an acquaintance at the gym or with a cashier at the grocery store. Kindly, but leave it at arm's length. Step 4. Unsubscribe. Do not seek communication with this person on social networks. Stop checking his every step: when he was online, who he liked, who he followed. Step 5. Triggers. Avoid things that resemble this person. These could be places to walk, music, things. Temporarily eliminate anything from your life that triggers cravings for this person to help you cut off the fuel for non-stop thoughts about this person. Step 6: Concentrate your energy on other processes. Direct your energy to other areas of life: work, hobbies, projects, sports. Keep yourself busy and fill your life with other things that will take up space in your mind and will bring you pleasure. Step 7. Meet new people. The best way to get over someone is to meet someone new. Meeting new people is an injection of new energy into your life. This will help remind you that there are many other interesting people in the world around you, and maybe even give you a new person to fall in love with. Try these 7 steps and you will be able to stop loving someone you can't. be.Leaving an unhealthy relationship is a very difficult task. It requires awareness and great willpower. It happens that it is difficult to do this on your own, so you can seek help from a psychologist.
