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Good day, my name is Evgeniy Plotnikov and today we have a rather difficult topic. How to survive a breakup with your ex-partner. Post-relationships (post-relationships, from the Latin post - “after” and “relationships” ") this is what follows after a relationship with your ex-partner. In this article, I introduced this term for convenience. There can be a huge variety of situations in which people can find themselves in a whirlpool of experiences after a breakup. Each of them is difficult in its own way. Some were in a relationship with a loved one, and the initiative to break off the relationship was from a loved one, someone was in an extremely long and warm relationship and he was very used to the person, but then the moment of breaking came, and someone lost a loved one under other circumstances. In such cases, everyone needs rehabilitation. One can actually, truly, sincerely envy those who can self-rehabilitate themselves, that is, independently accept the fact that they are now alone. One could accuse them of insensitivity, but, as a rule, this is far from the case. There are people who can stand stronger on their feet, they are much easier to put up with thoughts about losses, their own thoughts sound more convincing to them. Many, indeed, very many, have experienced this feeling, but the words that they say about it sound like that to us. unconvincing. It seems like they don't understand you. That they didn’t feel such pain as you did. Of course, this is not always the case. The memory of many people who have experienced a negative experience tries to erase harmful and poisonous information, as well as their attitude towards this event. You notice that often these same people tell us words of support, which make us feel better - not becomes? These could be phrases like: “Just forget” “There are no irreplaceable people” “You will find better” “Everything will pass, life is long” In general, to be honest, few such words can make things much easier. At the same time, at the same time, you feel that people really want to help, but they don’t seem to understand that this feeling of separation is drowning you. Suffocating. Even thinking logically is very difficult. It is incredibly difficult to distract yourself from depressing thoughts. It seems that nothing will change and it will always be bad. And the words of help, it feels like they hit an invisible wall, some kind of indestructible barrier. And in fact, it doesn’t get any easier after such support. Because every situation in a post-relationship is individual, every person, with his set of beliefs, with his thoughts and feelings, is individual, and there are no universal phrases that will somehow make life easier after the breakup - no. There is no magic pill. Each person, each situation needs to be analyzed separately, and only by looking at the situation at least closely as a person sees it, you can find words that would help you. Because each person is a house that locks its door on its own The lock and the key are only with him. It’s bad if in one copy. But, one way or another, my words rather call you to reasoning, and I’m trying to get you out of this disgusting trance. So, let’s start: First, the most important thing. The most important thing is that it’s worth understand that man is a maximally social creature. It just so happened. And therefore, all our experiences regarding the loss of a worthy partner are aimed at protecting us from loneliness and, as it were, pushing us with all our might to maintain the relationship. This is the true purpose of love. And here you are, under certain circumstances, or in another period of life, you could have fallen in love with another person, but you fell in love with someone with whom things didn’t work out for you due to some circumstances. We don’t always stand above with our feelings, no matter how much we want it. And this is not our fault. This means that you need to blame yourself for some mistakes in relationships a little less. The second thing I would like to say is that after a relationship, people mainly adhere to two strategies of behavior. This is either fight. That is,.
