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From the author: Article. Author: Rustam S. Serebryakov. Training center "Master" In my work as a sound producer, I often encounter speakers with a speech phenomenon that I call “lazy lips.” A speaker or actor may have generally good articulation, but sometimes he/she persistently “chews” endings, complex words slip out, etc., and each time the speech apparatus needs to be “warmed up.” This is a purely physiological phenomenon. For example, there are people who absolutely cannot make different shapes out of their tongue - a boat, for example, while others do it calmly. And it happens that your lips just get tired. Fatigue, tiredness, lack of sleep - all this affects the voice and, in particular, articulation. Of course, if you are tired, you need to rest. But if there are still negotiations or a performance ahead and you want to show yourself, then I bring to your attention a small complex designed to “warm up”. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, head straight. Raise your arms above your head and inhale as you reach up on your heels, stretching your body. Hold this for a few seconds; and exhale, calmly lower your heels and arms. Do the exercise 3-5 times. Stand up straight or sit, hands on your waist, shoulders relaxed. Make circular movements with your head. Gently stretch your neck, trying to touch your ears to your shoulders. Do 3 times clockwise and 3 times counterclockwise. Take a pencil in your teeth and write numbers from 1 to 9 in the air. Important: keep your neck relaxed, write the numbers with the greatest possible amplitude, while remaining in your comfort zone. The lips are elongated into a tube, moving left and right, and rotating in a circle. The lips are stretched into a tube, we stretch them into a smile and back. Stick out your tongue, pull it left and right, up and down. The tongue takes various forms: it curls into a tube, takes the shape of a bath / the side walls rise and the tip of the tongue / the mouth is open, the tongue touches the upper palate as far as possible from the front teeth/. Finally, I would like to note: if you can’t do some exercises, don’t do them. While doing the exercises, make sure that your body and your psyche are as relaxed as possible. And remember: working on yourself is the most rewarding thing! I wish you good luck!
