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FREEDOM Today I talked with two girls and they both talked about about the same thing, just in different words. About how you want to live freely and prosperously, make your own choices without regard to the opinions of others. They both see this as the highest happiness for themselves. Only one is constantly hampered by the circumstances in which she “gets stuck”, and the other is people on whom she is emotionally very dependent. Indeed, our choice is limited. We are free to choose only from the conditions in which we find ourselves - we go where there is a road, buy what we have enough money for, look at what others have photographed or drawn, wear what fashion dictates and the choice in stores, etc. And with On the other hand, why do we need total freedom if you are able to live happily, finding joy in what surrounds us? Can everyone do this?...The question is open. But where are we truly free? In our consciousness - thoughts and feelings. This is something that truly belongs entirely to us. We were born with this - we didn’t buy it or borrow it from someone. This means you can do whatever you want in it. We are free to express our feelings. And when we allow ourselves this freedom of thought and feeling, we no longer worry about being limited somehow materially. We nourish ourselves with our inner diversity, sincerity and desires. And when this happens, the material benefits that we need so much come into our lives. But as practice shows, even there we are able to put up “fences” for ourselves - forbid us to dream, forbid us to feel, or begin to feel and believe what someone told us . And all because we very easily transfer inside what is happening around us outside. And from that moment on, life seems somehow limited - we stop seeing opportunities and beauty around us, we stop believing in kind people and love, we suffer from unfulfilled desires and unspoken feelings. For example, Buddhism teaches that the mind and consciousness are the most important in a person. And when you free him from worries and thoughts that slow you down, real happiness will come. You don't need to become a monk for this. It’s enough to decide once and for all for myself that ALL OBSTACLES CROSS UP WHEN I CLEARLY KNOW WHAT I WANT AND FOLLOW MY FEELINGS. Therefore, always look for this freedom in any situation. If one door closed, then another one opened somewhere. Or here’s another one metaphor - a coin has two sides, turn the coin over. LOOK FOR STRENGTH WHERE OTHERS SEE WEAKNESS. For example, - In our family, everyone was robbers and thieves, that’s why I’m so angry and dishonest. Let’s turn over the coin. - Thank you, my ancestors, for solving your survival issues in this way. Due to this, I was born strong, brave, enterprising, assertive, and I can survive due to these qualities without robbery and theft. Or - My mother does not understand me, she is cold and busy only with her own affairs. We close this door and open another. - Thank you you mom, looking at you, I know that I can also take care of myself, be restrained, have my own position, and when I have children, I want to give them more love and warmth and the right to choose their own life. And so on. I hope I was able to convey the principle to you. This is what freedom of choice is: To be offended by parents, fate, circumstances, or to see the main thing through them and go your own way. I wish everyone to free their consciousness, destroy all fences and barriers and boldly step towards the goal with love in heart. Sign up for a consultation Online and in person. Phone, Telegram 8-982-649-79-26 Therapy is nice! I promise!
