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The question “How to increase self-esteem” is quite common both from clients and among friends and, to be honest, happens to oneself. In a nutshell, Self-esteem is the value that a person attaches to himself or some their qualities. Self-esteem is influenced by: (1) The correlation between the “ideal self” and the “real self,” that is, the comparison of “what I want/strive to be” and “what I really am.” If I want too much from myself or something that is unattainable, I will “earn” an inferiority complex. If I don’t strive for anything, I don’t develop. Therefore, it is useful to want more from yourself, but realistically achievable, so as not to be disappointed. (2) The opinions of other people, those very “value judgments” to which psychologists urge not to react too much. However, man is a social being and understanding how others react to his behavior allows him to remain accepted and adapted by society. Of course, our opinion of ourselves is primarily influenced by the opinion of our main, significant adults (parents and/or educators). “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.” If we were humiliated in childhood or, on the contrary, over-praised, our self-esteem will “lean” from adequacy towards overestimated or underestimated. (3) Real achievements. Not only the level of our real achievements is important here, but also the level of aspirations (personal ambitions). The more significant the achievements are compared to ambitions, the higher we value ourselves. Here you can set goals for yourself and certainly achieve them. Or, on the contrary, “come to terms with the surrounding reality”, adhering to the principle “The rich you are, the happier you are.” In any case, it is important to meet expectations from yourself. Personally, I believe that it is impossible to have high self-esteem (1) Always (2) Everywhere (3 ) In all areas of life. You can have adequate, develop, remain accepted by society and put forward realistic demands on yourself depending on the “structure of the moment”: well-being, situation, resources and circumstances. What do you think, is it possible to have self-esteem all the time “on same level"?
