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UDC 009 Abstract: This article discusses the development and manifestation of professional attitudes in different age groups of adolescents, as well as the peculiarities of perception of future professional success of students. The article is a study using text analysis of adolescent essays, diagnosing the maturity of professional attitudes. Abstract: This article discusses the development and manifestation of professional attitudes in different age groups of adolescents, as well as the perception of the future professional success of students. The article is a study using the analysis of the texts of the essays of adolescents, diagnostics of the maturity of professional attitudes. The purpose of our study was to study the readiness of a teenager to make a professionally important choice, decision, as an objective requirement for a future professional choice. The economy of any state, First of all, it relies on highly qualified, professional personnel. The choice of profession for the younger generation determines the future direction of the entire economy of the country. The term “professio” literally means the type of work activity that is the source of human existence. A highly qualified specialist means the highest level of professional knowledge and skills, this title is acquired by many years of work and mandatory achievements in a certain field. Currently, modernization processes are underway in Kazakhstani education, they reflect the nature of the modern economy, the specifics of the development of specialist training are focused on the high-quality acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. There is an intensive search for new methods of vocational guidance work from a very early age. The search for new approaches to the content of career guidance work in education is associated with the state’s position in training competitive specialists. New concepts are introduced into pedagogical practice: profile orientation, profile test, profile of training, profile of education, competence and competencies, multilingualism, dual and modular education and others. The relevance of career guidance for students is obvious: the most important task of the school is the formation of a full-fledged citizen of their country, and this largely depends on what former mature schoolchildren will do, what profession they will choose, where they will work; Well-constructed career guidance work is a solution to tomorrow’s problems, an important contribution to solving pressing social problems [1]. According to the concept of 12-year secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan [2], specialized education at the senior level of a 12-year school is considered as an integral system of general education professionally oriented training of students, ensuring, on the basis of differentiation of education, high-quality general secondary education for high school students, as well as their readiness for conscious professional self-determination, further continuation of education and work activity. According to the definition of L.D. Stolyarenko, career guidance is a system of activities aimed at identifying the personal characteristics, interests and abilities of each person, assisting him in making an informed choice of professions that best suit his individual capabilities. Vocational guidance, as a concept with a scientific basis, began to take shape about a hundred years ago. It was associated with the name of the founder of psychotechnics, the American psychologist Hugo Munsterberg, who at the beginning of the twentieth century first began to develop and use psychological tests to assess a person’s professional abilities. Around the same time, a new branch of psychological science began to form - the psychology of professions. But in the USSR, psychotechnics, which included career guidance, was formed by the mid-20s of the last century, and subsequently only in the 70s was vocational guidance in the USSR
