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Photo by Helena Jankovičová Kováčová: PexelsIn fact, it is a deeply philosophical question that many people already complicate. Some say that one should live by the principle “Be, not seem” and not deviate from it ways. Others make clarifications about where exactly it is to “Be” and where it is better to “Appear”, so as not to cause psychological trauma to oneself. I am a supporter of simplification and practical application of psychology and philosophy in life. Therefore, I think it’s simpler. In my understanding, “Being” is a person’s desire and real actions to realize the life to which his soul is drawn. Do you dream of being a hero? Become him! Protect people, animals, nature - do something in order to become a hero. Join the army, the police, start studying to become a lawyer, or become an honest official (without irony) - there are a lot of opportunities. If you want to be strong, smart, train and study, devote your time to training and self-education. Just start with daily exercises in the morning, by reading one chapter a day, some serious literature. In general, act and take every day, at least one small step towards the life you dream of, the image in which you dream of seeing yourself. True, you always need to act wisely, so as not to become an example of the saying: “make a fool pray to God - he’ll bruise his forehead.” And “to seem” means to want, but to constantly find reasons why it won’t be possible to do it today, or tomorrow, or in the near future. Or they will decide on an easy version of changes. “It seems” are people who want to be better, smarter, stronger, more beautiful, etc., but who, for a number of circumstances, cannot take a single step towards real deeds to become what they are. they want to be. They can create an image, put on a “mask” of the person they would like to be. For example, a person wants to be smart, but he acquires all his knowledge from dubious resources containing short excerpts from some area of ​​life or science. When discussing something social, he will not cite arguments and logic, but emotional articles from dubious media. He wants to be strong, but decides that using steroids will make it faster and more noticeable. Such people are not in the mood for serious changes, they are determined to get quick results and show off to others. Their goal is not change - but to create an impression and attract attention to oneself (I will not delve into the reasons for this). Of course, there are always good reasons why a person who wants changes in life cannot do something for this. The only good reason, in my opinion, is health limitations. But even here in life there are many examples when seemingly terminally ill people recovered, those in poor health became athletic and developed, people who were paralyzed and confined to a chair defended doctoral dissertations. There are striking examples, and there are those whom we do not see in the public space, who manage to change their lives even in conditions of limited health and limited finances. We change ourselves and our lives when our desires, thoughts and deeds (actions) are directed together to implement changes. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to change your life with thoughts and desires alone. _______________________Dear friends, sign up for individual consultations: 8 (980) 694-58-28, or through the group and personal messages on VK: https://vk.com/club208411702
