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From the author: An eccentric, trickster lecture, given in March 2011. Published in the Almanac “Archetypal Research” No. 3, May 2011. Vladislav Lebedko The brilliance and poverty of psychology “We live in times of great upheaval: political passions are inflamed, internal upheavals have brought nationalities to the threshold of chaos, even the very foundations of our worldview are shaking. This critical state of affairs has a tremendous influence on the mental life of the individual, so that the doctor must take into account the effects of such influence with special care. The thunderclaps of social upheaval can be heard not only in the streets and squares, but also in the silence of consulting rooms. And if a psychotherapist is responsible to his patients, then he does not dare take them to the saving island of the quiet nature of theories, but he himself must constantly plunge into the abyss of world events in order to participate in the battle of conflicting passions and opinions. Otherwise, he will not be able to correctly understand and assess the essence of the patient’s problem or help him get out of his malaise, looking out from his refuge. For this reason, a psychologist cannot avoid a fight with modern history, even if his own soul is afraid of political unrest, false propaganda, rattling speeches of demagogues.” (Jung, S.) Let's start with the fact that one of the reasons for mutual misunderstanding of people is the literalism of perception, which manifests itself in the fact that what is said or written is perceived unambiguously, literally, and not as a metaphor and a scattering of various semantic connotations. For example, you and I will now talk about the Russian Mythos, about the Russian Logos, about the search for a Russian national idea that could connect our Mythos with our own, and not an imported Logos, and this does not mean that we cannot use what -coordinate systems that are well suited for our searches, but were created by Western scientists, the same Freud, Jung, Lacan, Deleuze, Baudrillard, Marx, and finally... Although, at the end of the lecture I will also cite the rich heritage of Russian scientists and practitioners. That is, the literalism here may lie in such a metaphor that if we are Russians and talk about the Russian soul, then we must certainly dress up in embroidered shirts, rename ourselves Rodomirs and Veleslavs and start jumping over fires. This is all completely unnecessary literalism. By the way, the very zealous movement of Slavophiles, fixated on artifacts and external forms, in my opinion, speaks of sufficient inertia, one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness. No, we are people of our historical period, which we will focus on. So, this very historical process has led each of us to the point of certain essential choices, which, alas, are not recognized by everyone in their scale and importance for the fate of the Russian ethnos and civilization in general. I will refer to a classic who is not respected in our country now, but this quote that I will now say is brilliant, and it sounds like this: “Any philosophy is partisan.” Again, let's not take it literally, but try to see the meanings behind it. I would expand the context and say that any human activity (not just philosophy) serves one or another idea, and more specifically, ideology. Any technique, technology, method, direction, and even more so the activity of a psychologist, philosopher, culturologist, psychoanalyst in general, can be considered as serving some transpersonal goals (and transpersonal not only in the transcendental sense, but also in quite visible senses - political, economic , class). Therefore, speaking about the search for Russian methods in psychology, cultural studies, philosophy, we are not talking about completely abandoning some techniques and technologies that have proven themselves in psychoanalysis, Jungianism, Gestalt, psychodrama, etc., but about to find the idea around which any existing or emerging technologies could be built. And the first step we need to see is in the service of what forces all this worksnow and why. So, to the question of so-called partisanship. Whether we want to admit it or not, whether we see it or not, any direction of psychology and psychotherapy fulfills a certain social order, based on one ideology or another. Moreover, if a specialist does not think about what ideology he serves, then in this case he serves the dominant ideology, and this is very important to understand. What is the dominant ideology? - Capitalist. Moreover, not just capitalist, but the ideology of capitalism in its most unsightly form, when, according to the philosopher Jean Baudrillard, violence from episodic and explicit turned into implicit and total. That is, in simple terms, the modern phase of capitalism constantly and very harshly, but implicitly, has us in all places. Implicitly, this means that we are so accustomed to this that we even enjoy some handouts. That is, a psychologist who does not have a pronounced civic position, and this is the majority of us - and we are PROSTITUTES, and of the lowest class, regardless of payment, prostitutes who, not understanding their position, still manage to enjoy handouts from pimps. The handouts may even be quite large, but the very fact of serving a vile pimp does not change this. Here we can talk about capitalism, which has degenerated into a so-called consumer society or a society of spectacle, etc. At the same time, if a psychologist says “I am indifferent to any politics, I don’t care about anything,” then he signs off with this phrase in the deepest error. Consciously, perhaps, he does not want to think about it, but at the level of the unconscious and at the level of being, he is a cog in the machine of globalization and, by and large (along the way, saving some people from rather insignificant suffering) makes his contribution to this very machine, which implicitly, but harshly and totally has us all. Here we can recall “fantastic” stories about laboratory workers who create a vaccine against an infection, and the laboratory itself is located at an institute that produces and improves this infection - which happens in different forms in reality. Now this metaphor has already become a commonplace in the mechanism for obtaining super-profits. You can begin to object to me that you are not participating in anything like that, that you are JUST working to solve the client’s problems (by the way, the word client is such a capacious capitalist word, it is the one who is served - here, by the way, there are homosexual connotations that are naturally inherent in capitalism, and various pseudo-democratic slogans, such as “the customer is always right”, “consumer rights”, and other abominations that are sometimes worth paying attention to). So, you can, of course, argue that you are doing good; clients come to you, whom you help become healthier and more independent, and, by default, more efficient taxpayers and consumers. And, they say, there is no ideology here... NOT TRUE!!! The overwhelming majority of psychologists both in Russia and abroad are working on the order of consumer society, as an extreme manifestation of capitalism, which, as I have already said, is implicit but total violence. Well, okay, in the end, you can even agree that yes, since we live in a capitalist society, we work for its order, and there is no big problem in this. For my part, I will say that in this there is a VERY BIG TROUBLE. You are participating in the destruction of the Russian ethnic group, in particular, and civilization in general. I will say right away that I do not pretend to be the savior of civilization. My task at this stage is to diagnose the situation and call it in exact words, without disguise. Well, then, if as a result of this diagnosis you find the courage to admit that you did not know what you were doing, then with joint efforts we can begin to see how to build possible counter-dominants that could ultimately tear away the center of the dominant capitalism of the consumer society. With knowledge of the principles of functioning of the dominant, the efforts of a certain team can already bring verysignificant fruits. And here it is psychologists, that is, those who interact with human souls, who can become key figures in the creation of counter-dominants. And in this sense, we can talk about the role of psychology and psychotherapy, not only in the private tasks of healing individual suffering people (which remains necessary, no one is calling for giving up this business, switching to something more global), but this most global will be carried out in parallel, and for this you need, in fact, a little - to take a civil position... But, alas, I will show that this is incredibly difficult, it can be said - a feat that will require internal sacrifices that you have not yet realized, since the grip of a dominant is almost a death grip, here It is not enough to simply agree in words. But even in words it will be difficult for you to agree with me as I continue my story. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So: through the civic position of individual psychologists, which one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, will be transmitted to the people with whom they work - through these processes an ideological restructuring of entire social strata can be carried out. And this is the function of psychology and psychotherapy, which, unfortunately, very few people even think about. There are about a hundred thousand psychologists in Russia, if not more, and their number is growing every year. This is a very powerful force in class struggle, and as you may have already seen from the above, all of us except one tenth of one percent of the people who control 99 percent of the world's resources are an exploited class. Very harshly and at the same time very implicitly exploited. So more than 100 thousand is a huge potential with an even larger sphere of influence, which works either for the capitalist machine or for an alternative. By alternative, I do not mean the sad experience of socialism in Russia, and as we will see a little later, by the way, it is quite obvious that this experience could not have been different then, because there is one secret, which I will talk about a little further. And not the last A new reading of Marxism, in its modern interpretations, in particular – Freudo-Marxism, Lacanian-Marxism, even Jungo-Marxism, can be a help for us. By the way, the greatest postmodern philosophers, the last of the Mohicans, such as Deleuze, Guattari, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, the living Slavoj Zizek - all of them were Marxists. By the way, the famous post-Jungian James Hillman is also a Marxist. Next we will move on to a more specific task and try to define what is proclaimed by the lofty phrase “national idea”. The national idea is the main path of development of an ethnic group. Moreover, in a favorable scenario, it coincides with the deep roots of the ethnos, but in an unfavorable situation, which takes place in Russia, it does not coincide with them and leads to a dead end or to the death of the ethnos. Our national idea does not coincide with the Russian Mythos because over the last millennium, there have been at least three global acts of sabotage aimed at destroying the Russian spirit. The first sabotage was the baptism of Rus', which not only claimed millions of lives, but also turned the national idea towards Byzantium. The second sabotage is the reforms of Peter the Great, who turned the national idea towards Europe, and the replacement of the Russian Logos with the European one, and the third sabotage, which began in the 90s of the 20th century and continues to this day, is the Americanization of the Russian Logos, the Russian national ideas. And not the last violin in this process was played and continues to be played by you - gentlemen psychologists, or rather, not gentlemen, but slaves - psychologists, it would be more accurate to say so. In order to see in detail some of the mechanisms of what is happening, as well as what I have not yet said, it will be useful to recall in a few words the main theses of the structuralism of Jacques Lacan, who in the 50s of the 20th century deepened the Freudian line of psychoanalysis, giving it a deep philosophical a connotation that has been used since then by all the major philosophers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Lacan has a powerful idea that the human soul is, as it were, divided into three interconnectedregister: Real, Imaginary and Symbolic. This is a very fundamental understanding. If you comprehend its full depth, then it will be a revelation, satori. If you are not familiar with the descriptions of these registers, I highly recommend doing so, if not from the works of Lacan himself (and he writes very curtly), then at least from popular expositions, in particular, there are good works on this topic by our contemporary Russian psychoanalyst Viktor Aronovich Mazin, who writes in a fairly simple and understandable language. A whole course of lectures could be devoted to this topic, but our time is still limited by other issues, so I will not go into the nature of the Real and the Imaginary, but will go straight to the Symbolic, and then, unfortunately, superficially. So, Lacan, while engaged in psychoanalysis, draws a conclusion that turned the entire philosophy of the 20th century upside down: “The unconscious is structured like a language.” He is echoed by the late Heidegger: “We do not speak with language, but language speaks itself through man.” Lacan reveals a stunning picture in which the entire world is signified and digitized, named. And symbolic chains permeate the entire human structure so deeply that it is even difficult to imagine. And it is the Symbolic that creates Culture. When a person is born, he falls into the cultural matrix and very quickly grows through signs. The symbolic completely cuts off a person from Nature and from an encounter with the Real, which is now possible only through some transcendental experience, an experience that cannot be described in words, where language falls silent. And in such moments, the world appears to a person completely different from what we are used to perceiving it through the prism of signs and symbols. But that's not the point now. The fact is that each culture has its own specific distortions (very numerous) of the Symbolic space, which create the specifics of perception and many problems as well. So, for a child under one to one and a half years old, the world appears as a stream of pictures, sensations, sounds, which, over time, are formed from color spots into more or less stable gestalts. Let's assume that our baby witnessed the so-called “primary scene” - the sexual intercourse of the parents. At this age, for him this is not any kind of oedipal trauma, etc. this is just one of the pictures. But by the age of 3–3.5 years, when he is already firmly ingrained in culture and the symbolic, he, following the curvature of symbolic space, finds himself in an Oedipal situation with all the symptoms. And only here the picture from 1.5 years is inserted into the gap of the symbolic and, as it were, suddenly becomes a trauma. That is, not at the very moment of what is happening, but retroactively after 2 years. Slavoj Zizek is very fond of comparing the Symbolic with the difference between Einstein’s Particular and General Theories of Relativity. If in Particular relativity there are material objects that have mass and due to, for example, the large mass of an object, light bends around it along a curved path, then in General relativity there are no longer material objects and masses. But there are simply curvatures of space-time, which we perceive as material bodies with mass. Those. space itself has curvature, and the consequence is our specific perception of this curvature as an object (including ourselves). The Symbolic is structured according to the same principle. There are no traumas or complexes in themselves. And there are distortions, deformations of the symbolic space (common to people of a particular culture), falling into which we perceive as traumas, complexes, symptoms, etc. So, for example, there are cultures that developed independently from the European one, for example, indigenous ones, in which there is no Oedipal trauma, for example. Or here’s a trivial example: Say, for example, to an Eskimo: “I’m your mother ... b” - he will most likely stretch his mouth into a smile, shrug his shoulders in bewilderment and pass by. And try saying the same phrase to a Caucasian? - he will earn! By the way, here I will reveal a big secret regarding the failure of the idea of ​​​​socialism and communism in Russia. You can make as many revolutions and reformations as you like, but in the symbolic space of culturethere remains a specific distortion, which we know as POWER with all its inherent attributes and functions (punitive, executive, etc.) And it will reproduce itself, simply because this distortion in the symbolic cannot be removed anywhere. By the way, I have a suspicion that this curvature is held on, figuratively speaking, by a thin thread. And if you know where this thread is (where the needle is in Kashchei’s egg), then with the efforts of a not so large group of people this distortion can be removed. But this is a separate question, and besides, it is not yet clear what will be the replacement in this case... However, I digress. So - those three fundamental (and thousands more minor) sabotages that the Russian ethnos went through were essentially distortions in the Symbolic space, which (the curvature) became more crooked and more stable each time. And from this point of view, finding an adequate Russian Mythos and an accurate national idea will serve to straighten the crookedness created by these sabotages. So, the task facing psychology is very large-scale, important and, by the way, quite feasible, provided, of course, that the majority accept it as their personal task. Unfortunately, while the situation is not changing in any way, we live in a society that is becoming more and more Americanized, which is completely inconsistent with the Russian Mythos. And this, as I already said, is a very fast road to the collapse of an ethnic group. What is Mythos? – This is the collective unconscious of an ethnic group. Ideally, a set of myths (if defined according to Mircea Eliade). But another great misfortune is that after the enslavement of the Russian people by Christianity, all Russian myths were uprooted. The names of the gods remain, and they are now even widely known - Svarog, Dazhdbog, Veles, Perun, Mother Lada... but the plot has been torn out by the roots. There are, of course, enthusiasts who are trying to restore something based on fairy tales, but, unfortunately, this is not it. We have not yet found such a dynamic and dramatic plot, as, for example, in Greek or Egyptian mythology. However, despite the destruction of myths, the Russian Mythos itself lives and breathes, and although we do not have obvious plots, we can see indirect manifestations of the type of “heroes” of the Russian Mythos, which are so different from European and American ones (by the way, America also recreates its heroes in Hollywood, and they fully correspond to their Mythos, but do not correspond to ours at all). Certain collective images of not gods, but heroes of the Russian Mythos and we can discern the features of the Russian soul in the characters (by the way, note that there are no clearly “good” or “bad” among them, they are all extremely contradictory) of the classics of Russian literature: Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Goncharov, Ostrovsky, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy , Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin, Sholokhov, Shukshina, Dovlatov, Vampilov... If you look closely, these are very broad images (how can you not remember Mitya Karamazov “A man is broad, too broad... But I would narrow it down!”), completely unlike the Hollywood ones heroes and even European characters, who, as a rule, although contradictory, move on average along the path drawn by Faust. But even Faust, with his complexity, individuation and contradictions, even Faust has quite clear outlines and boundaries, which, by the way, determines, for example, one of the most profound and personally respected paths of Western psychology - Jungianism. The character of the Russian Mythos is generally blurred to the extreme, he much broader and more indefinite than Faust (not to mention Hollywood heroes), no European moral standards or any norms at all are applicable to him - and for the Russian Mythos - this is so, and I will show further how psychology and psychotherapy brought from the West , castrates him and circumcises him in his Procrustean bed. Isn't this a crime? And isn't that what you're doing? A? no? Let's try to see this extremely vague and broad portrait of the Russian soul. Russian Mythos seems to be a completely immoral way of thinking and feeling, the ability to discern the divine, necessary, fateful andin evil and in ugliness, with the ability to honor and bless them. The Russian man in his depths cannot be reduced to a hysteric, a drunkard or a criminal, a poet or a saint; in it all this is placed together, in the totality of all these properties. The Russian man is at the same time a murderer and a judge, a brawler and the most tender soul, a complete egoist and a hero of the most perfect self-sacrifice. The European, that is, a strong moral, ethical, dogmatic, point of view is not applicable to him. In this man, the external and the internal, good and evil, God and the devil are inextricably fused. And if you find the strength to break away from the imposed American models of psychology, you will understand that there is no need to “do good” in quotation marks, “helping” in quotation marks to find a Russian person some kind of outlined path that fits into some kind of logic, even the logic of individuation Jung’s route, not to mention such perversions for the Russian soul as humanistic therapy, constellations or, especially, coaching. All these seminars on how to achieve something, on how to become some kind of feminine woman or heroic man are not just a delusion for the Russian Mythos, but precisely a crime against the ethnic group (I’m not afraid of this loud formulation, although I don’t expect , that you will stop committing these crimes tomorrow). A Russian person is torn away from any specific properties, from morality, this is a person who intends to dissolve, returning back, into primordial matter. This man loves nothing and loves everything, he is afraid of nothing and afraid of everything, he does nothing and does everything. This person is again the primordial material, the unformed material of soul plasma. We differ from European people of order, calculation and clear positivity. We do not and cannot have clarity and positivity. Even shoved into the suffocating barrels of Christianity and humanism, we are capable of any actions, low and high in equal measure, of going beyond the outlined circle of what is supposedly impossible or even harmful, if in the depths of our souls we only vaguely feel the justification for what we are doing . This is our secret. And there is no need to destroy this secret, try to make it digestible, or force Russian psychology into certain norms, frameworks and boundaries. The Russian soul has no boundaries, and at the same time, they are everywhere!!! This is not America or Europe. - “Are you gangsters?” - “No, we are Russians!!!”, remember with what pride these words are spoken by the girl to whom the Russian soul returned in the film “Brother-2”. In my opinion, both the character of the characters and the plot are brilliantly captured, reflecting the metaphor of how the Russian soul will one day ask the American: “Well, what is the truth, American? Is it about money? You have a lot of them, but the truth is I!” And there is no need to coach him, teaching him how to achieve some bullshit called success, which is so important for America, and with which the Russian Emelya or the same Danila Bagrov will not even understand what to do. If he really needs a million, he will get it, without any training, and will get it to give, for example, to a friend’s brother, leaving it for himself for the bare necessities. And he will love a famous actress not for her fame, and especially not for her antics on TV. Just don’t disturb him with your psychotherapy, and if you really want to do it seriously, then direct your efforts to simply removing the consequences of the three big sabotages that I talked about. Eliminate the curvature of the symbolic in Russian culture. How? Let's talk about this a little further. The consciousness of modern man is literally captivated by three strongholds of the so-called civilization: theology, medicine and jurisprudence. We begin to firmly believe that the models developed there actually reflect how things supposedly should be. Perhaps in the West this is in the order of things, but all psychology is imbued (explicitly and, most importantly, implicitly) with norms and rules emanating from the models of theology, medicine and jurisprudence. But, as we have already seen, for the Russian Mythos all these models are sheer nonsense, and their use only leads to castration and strangulation of the Russian soul. In our modelpsychology, how strange it is. It may not even sound scary, there should be no clear norms, rules and boundaries. But only trust in your intuition (of course, if you can first of all clear your inner world of these models, otherwise your intuition will stumble over them and the devil knows what will happen). By the way, look at the recently released and very strange for our already Americanized consciousness with its reliance on theology, medicine and law, the film - "Oatmeal" - for many this may be a culture shock, because it shows a modern Russian town, somewhere between Kirov and Vologda, where the Logos absolutely corresponds to the Mythos, where something completely different, than in St. Petersburg and Moscow, attitude to life, to death, to sex, and we are frantically trying to detect at least some traces of the presence of these same theological, legal and medical norms, and we do not find them at all, even in the behavior of the policeman who appears there in the episode. I will not specifically retell the plot of the film “Oatmeal”. I’ll just say that if you try to watch it from a European point of view, at times it begins to seem like you’re watching something about some natives, that this doesn’t happen, how can it be?... And only then do you realize what it’s like since it is not native, but our own, that this is how it should be in Russia, without any trace of theology, medicine and jurisprudence. To more clearly see what is happening in those aspects of psychology and psychotherapy that are accepted by default, considered natural, I will use an example Greek mythology. Simply because in this case it is precisely the COORDINATE SYSTEM, which has reached our times in the most detailed and developed form. This will give clarity. All these Greek gods are present in the Russian soul, and in the European, and in the American, as well as the gods of other pantheons. Civilization is based on two powerful dominants - Consciousness and Norms, which in the concept of Mythological consciousness I personify as Apollo and Athena. At the level The dominant of society determines the ways of relationships, strategies, interactions of everything with everything: internal with external, external with external, and internal with oneself. The same dominants determine psychology and psychotherapy, which came to us from the West. Apollo is the personification of consciousness, rationality, order and distance. Due to the influence of Apollo, in most modern sciences the object is perceived separately from the subject, the knowable - isolated from the knower. Orientation towards a rational way of cognition permeates all spheres of society, including psychology. The vast majority of scientists succumb to the temptation to study mental phenomena and the phenomenon of the soul, distancing themselves from it - dissecting it and separating it from themselves, thereby losing contact with their own Soul. And among psychologists, the so-called “third position” (imported from NLP) is considered the only adequate one, that is, the position of detachment and supposedly objectivity. The tragedy of the Apollonian lies in the isolation of a person from the general context - in the fact that he feels himself separate from space and its rhythms. Moreover, modern man, for the most part, observes the reality around him as an abstract film, without realizing the degree of his involvement in what is happening. The invisible screen of the too Apollonian isolates a person from the life of society and from the feeling of unity with space, with its plots and events; disconnects from physicality, intuition and other ways of interacting with the outside world. Moreover, sad and funny as it may be, the Apollonian third position is considered necessary in the overwhelming majority of so-called body-oriented practices. Of course, it’s safer and easier this way, but alas, the baby is thrown out with the bathwater. Athena - as it is expressed in modern society - represents, first of all, conformity to the norm. Normal in the ideal sense, it is the most or best way approaching the ideal model, the pre-established image. And, as you may have guessed, thisthe model is given by theology, medicine and jurisprudence. It turns out that Athena, symbolizing the norm, gives rise to the concept of “pathology” by her very existence. The stronger and more unshakable the position of Athena, the more pathologically the other gods are forced to express themselves. Archetypal research confirms that the heavier the norm, the more clearly the “lower”, shadow outburst of archetypal energies appears. In psychological and pseudo-spiritual circles, a certain standard of a “well-developed person” has already developed, which most psychologists and naive esotericists are guided by. Many “spiritual people” consider it their duty to teach other sufferers, imposing advice and recommendations, teaching how to get rid of “problems”. Kitchen get-togethers in such companies boil down to the fact that everyone diligently sticks out their imaginary “mental health.” The same situation prevails at many seminars and trainings for “personal and spiritual growth” and others like them. Wanting to correspond to this standard floating in the air, a person often falls into a trap: by creating the appearance of “elaboration”, he hides the horror of the darkest corners of his soul the more deeply, and all the more aggravates the gap between the external manifestation and the internal chaotic reality. Athena and Apollo, who unwittingly became dominant figures, they themselves fall into the Procrustean bed of their realization, and are not expressed at all in the volume and completeness in which they could. And their lack of freedom in the context of the current situation is no less than the limitations of other gods. By and large, the gods don’t care how to manifest themselves: each of them has a way to pour out into the archetypal space in the proper amount. But in this same space there is a feeling of sadness that people, included in a large-scale performance, choose and implement only manifestations of the “lower” layer. Let’s look at modern society from the point of view of mythological consciousness. In this vein, the vices of modern society are a powerful barrage of the collective raging Shadow of Olympus. And, naturally, this Shadow does not escape psychology. This is a separate and very large topic. It is impossible, as I already said, to fight the dominant. But we can introduce into our life and work the sprouts of new counter-dominants, which in the language of mythological consciousness means the possibility of the manifestation of all gods. This will inevitably destroy all the ideas and norms of Western psychology, but it will be a fresh breath, awakening the Russian Mythos (I repeat, I use the names of the Greek gods only as a convenient coordinate system). Let Ares into your office or hall. Break mental and physical boundaries. Allow yourself real rage. Get into a real brawl with the group members. Whip someone who is stubborn and stuck in defense with a belt, give them a few slaps or punches, force them to enter into a real fight for themselves. At the same time, get ready to be flogged, get punches, and have your clothes torn. In the end, “Fight Club” is not an American invention; it has always been possible for a Russian person to taste the wrath of Ares in fist fights or at home to put a hand, a frying pan or a grip on his wife or husband, and only now is it perceived as almost a pathology, and a married couple, instead of using cuffs, a frying pan or a mop, is forced to sit in the chairs of a well-bred and legally savvy psychologist. (A story about a belt and a slap). Let Dionysus into your office with his naked nerve, with his orgasmicity and madness... Let Hermes in, with his spirit of adventure, Zeus with his directive instructions and - yes, advice or almost orders... Let Aphrodite in with her seduction, blinding passion... Let Hera in with her jealousy and vindictiveness... Let in the deep, bottom passions of Poseidon, let not hold back or save Persephone from dark suicidal fantasies - be on a first-name basis with them, be the formidable and gloomy Hades, the insidious Seth , the cunning Locky, Veles, who does not explain his actions and gets into the soul through all defenses and boundaries, Horse, who without mincing words and “therapy” will call a scoundrela scoundrel, Svarog, for whom there are no restrictions at all, but only absolute omnipotence and permissiveness... Allow the Russian soul to manifest its deep properties that have no moral assessments - space, absolute freedom and permissiveness... And do not be afraid of the anarchy that Kropotkin and Bakunin sang, We have never seen real anarchy like during the Novgorod veche, but they frightened us with this word, stirring up various looting here by those who cling to power, who benefit from having slaves... Using the powers of various gods, except for Athena and Apollo, who have set our teeth on edge, is, of course, an art that needs to be learned. But Western psychology will not teach you this... It will teach you norms - that is, what alienates people from each other, and what is categorically unacceptable for the Russian Mythos... You can talk for hours about how to let people into your office, and even before everything, into your life of one or another god. Using the example of Ares, I only showed one facet of the opportunities you are missing. A line that, just at its mention, probably brought sacred horror to many... But, believe me, if you don’t do this, then, as I already said, you commit a crime against the ethnic group every day and work not for integrity, but for the super-profits of capitalist sharks . Choose! Although, of course, there is always the opportunity to declare me crazy or whatever and remove all these inconvenient questions from your mind. But, as Milton Erickson used to say, my voice will still remain with you...Soon I will devote several lectures to these issues, not to mention the opportunity for practical training. So, wanting to live up to this Americanized standard, the Russian person often falls into the trap, his " elaboration" is reflected in setting and observing boundaries, which is detrimental for the Russian spirit, because this spirit does not know boundaries, and by placing it within boundaries, we only create alienation. Here, after all, I will touch on Hermes and, by the way, Veles. Capitalism has brought out the shadow side of Hermes - economic gain, and driven underground its main and life-affirming trait - the spirit of adventure. Under the influence of capitalist values, the vast majority of people break away from the Whole and steadily strive for the inviolability of a guaranteed existence and personal security and other personal benefits, including utilitarian material ones (career, stability, money, health, etc.) This is not at all Russian It is clear without any evidence that these are imposed values ​​dividing the Russian ethnic group. It is this desire for the inviolability of the supposedly guaranteed possession of these values ​​and personal safety - illusory values, since no laws and manipulations (including healing, etc.) can to give guarantees, but only their illusion, thereby placing people in the dependent infantile position of the consumer - and so it is precisely this desire that in the modern world is nothing more than a regression with all the ensuing consequences. What is now called “spirituality” is acquiring a clearly expressed “pink” coloring, putting a person in a subordinate position before the collective Super-Ego - due to the repression of everything that is considered “dark”, etc. into the subconscious, entire nations are under the rule of rigid dogmas (religions, New Age, consumer psychology and “healing”), giving rise to neurotic illusions and the same consumer infantilism as a way of life. Such repression of existential experiences (reluctance, for example, to accept the aporia of death in particular and withdrawal into “saving” beliefs can turn (and are already turning into) mass psychotic inflations in the minds of people. The spirit is free, it breathes where it wants, without dividing the world into lower and lower top, good and evil and other extremes. In the current situation, the spirit tends to evaporate, leaving a person in his desire for personal good and security. True spirituality, as for example, was understood by the ancients, ceases to be perceived by public consciousness. Spirituality is a desire from the particular to the Whole. : now we seeexactly the opposite trends. In this situation, the Hermesian Spirit of adventure can be a decisive inoculation against infantilism and the dominance of private values ​​of the “consumer society.” This position fundamentally questions the main trend that has developed in culture, science, psychology, medicine, etc. The development of pure adventurous consciousness shifts the system of values ​​from infantilism and saving illusions and hopes towards the predominance of the Whole over the particular, freedom over guarantees, the opportunity to face death without defenses over infantilism, uncertainty over dogmas. Adventurous consciousness throws a person’s consciousness into the world of adult categories, such as risk, luck, defeat, etc. This leads to living the typically Russian thesis that the path of life leads from nowhere to nowhere, therefore the goal is every step. This understanding pushes aside consumer values ​​(career, money, health concerns - which, as well as health disorders themselves, mostly stem from an infantile position - the cure for which is awareness of all the risks into which a person is “thrown”) and brings to the fore the values ​​of awareness. Awareness inevitably leads to comprehension of the fact that life is essentially an adventure. Awareness of the risks and the possibility of equally probable successes and failures leads to the abandonment of the infantile ostrich position. Through the category of games, adventures, adventures, growing up and responsibility for the whole, for the Spirit begins. Returning to the so-called boundaries of personality, let us ask the question, where do these boundaries come from? And they come from the Apollonian idea of ​​​​the boundaries between the so-called objective and subjective, which the West hammered into not only science, but also into the consciousness of the majority of people, especially psychologists, because this boundary (and, consequently, all private - personal) exists (!!!) only in the Symbolic Register of Western Culture. They do not exist in the Real and cannot exist. But in America and the West, their Mythos is dominated by the so-called group of Heroic myths (the main features of which are overcoming, victory, success, the priority of achievements over comprehension, rejection of femininity, struggle with their own kind for money, career, success), and therefore in The idea of ​​borders is important to the national idea of ​​America, because each hero strives to defeat another hero. To avoid this, they came up with borders and tolerance as elements of the national idea. In the Russian Mythos, heroic myths are inferior to mystical ones, where instead of rising to the top and competing for primacy, on the contrary, immersion into the depths, into the forces of the night, into resolution instead of prohibitions is natural. Tolerance, which is preached by humanism and all types of humanistic psychology, is alien to Russian people. Tolerance is the maximum separation from the world and from others according to the principle: “don’t touch me, and I won’t touch you, do whatever you want, just don’t touch me.” And this principle has become leading in psychology, so they sit opposite each other and lightly touch within certain illusory boundaries. Moreover, the symbolic is so strong that this illusoryness penetrates into the depths of consciousness and bristling boundaries and all sorts of grievances, hypocritically called traumas, actually arise. But, understand how much we deceive each other!!! For most psychologists, due to their infantility, it is very beneficial to remain good boys and girls who do not risk violating boundaries, observing the Apollonian-Athensian ethics. After all, as I said, adventure and going beyond is the risk of going beyond the Symbolic into the Real. But, believe me, this way out is worth it!!! Another destructive sabotage for the Russian ethnic group on the part of the Americanized consciousness. This is all kinds of achievement, success, the pursuit of money, leadership schools and trainings that have proliferated like toadstools on how to earn a million and become successful, how to have a lot of things, etc. This is a very big topic, a very sore topic, because... This infection has affected a huge number of people and especially the so-called trainers. Who don't know what they're doing. Allthis is based on the already mentioned heroic myth, which is built on the fear of falling, this physiological fear becomes psychological. It forms self-esteem, people are intimidated - lest they become a loser, lest they remain undeveloped, inadequate, and not corresponding to the American scenario of a successful, smiling, okay superman. This is where depression comes from, you generate them, citizens, trainers and coaches!!! Trash for the Russian land!!! The apogee of this sabotage is the book and film “The Secret”... Also the topic of a separate lecture... Not the technology of directed visualization, which can be used from the point of view of different ideologies, but precisely ideology - the race for success - those who did not make it are losers . The consumer society needs rich slaves. Even the very rich - they will pay high taxes, and most importantly - consume more and more completely unnecessary things, increasing the excess profits of the financial elite by hundreds and thousands of times. After all, the essence of capitalism in a consumer society is no longer in the production of goods, but in the production of desires, the unlimited production of more and more new desires. All information flows, radio, newspapers, television, cinema - everything serves this monster of desire machines, which is almost unstoppable. And we buy it blindly. Now there is a turning point in psychology when desires need not be unblocked, as in the time of Freud, when it was natural, but, on the contrary, placed under the control of consciousness - consciousness, and not the superego. Otherwise we will become their slaves. Here is a new task for psychology - not how to achieve growing desires, but how to stop feeling guilty for the fact that you do not correspond to the growth of desires, are not successful, well-developed, okay. Anti-coaching is necessary, not coaching!!! Moreover, if the situation does not change, then this is a real path to death. Not from earthquakes and tsunamis, but from overproduction of desires. But, as usual, you don’t want to think about it. You can even abstractly assume that I am right, but this is not happening to you, it doesn’t concern you! A? No? You are, of course, a respectable coach or trainer who is very far from all these global processes; you simply modestly do your job, because the pay is good. LIE!!! Involved! In the most direct way! Who do coaches work with? With already run-down companies that don’t produce anything meaningful, more often than not producing anything at all. Which money pays. And there are developments in psychology that can help revive both the standing metallurgical plants of the Urals and agriculture, something that is really necessary. Who works with this? - Nobody! Where does this lead? !!! …Twenty years ago, no one considered the smell of sweat unpleasant. If the older generation remembers, it was a natural and even pleasant smell. Now it’s terrible, and you urgently need to buy Rexona or some other nasty thing. To kill the naturalness in yourself. Almost the entire pharmaceutical industry, medicine, which has become completely corrupt, operates on these same false principles; for this purpose, more and more sophisticated laws and all sorts of consumer protections are being invented... Lies lead to lies and lies. And psychology is in the forefront. This is another separate topic. Bert Hellinger trampled on our soil worse than Hitler. It has already become indecent not to complete a couple of constellations a month. Do you know what this entails? The ideas laid down by Hellinger for the Russian people are worse than the atomic bomb. A little more and the people will be completely disarmed and plunged into the deepest regression... Now I’ll tell you how. So, Bert Hellinger. He was a missionary monk until he was 40 years old; at about 40 years old he left the order, without any conflict, i.e. the order let him go in peace (blessed?) to do what he did, a rare case in itself?! So, with monastic humility, he goes into the study of psychology, synthesizes transactional analysis, psychodrama, and the theory of morphic fields into systemic arrangements. Idea: everyone occupies only their place in the system and should not lose it under any circumstances, the family system (clan) strives for survival at any cost, no matter what happens behind it !!!
