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From early childhood, a child gets used to the fact that certain actions are followed by praise, and for some, you can get a good snatch. Naturally, no one likes punishment, but approval is always pleasant and pleases one’s vanity. Sometimes it happens that in a family there is an imbalance of praise and blame, which subsequently leads to certain negative scenarios and patterns of behavior in a grown-up person. We consider what “pitfalls” you may encounter in the future. Too often and for no reason they praised without punishing . In this case, the child expects almost ascension for any habitual action. Yes, the baby needs to be praised and done quite often while his personality is developing. This is necessary so that the baby feels independent, knows how to distinguish bad deeds from good ones, and more often shows initiative. The habit of praising a child for eating or going to the toilet is strange, to say the least (unless it’s the first time he’s picked up a spoon correctly or learned to go potty). While the baby is mastering a new element of everyday life, praise should be present, but then it must be gotten rid of. Otherwise, the child will either constantly demand applause for any reason, or wait for approval for the simplest actions. And if praise does not follow, he will show a variety of negative reactions. Then this is transferred into adulthood, and an adult can thus shift responsibility for his own, for example, inaction to other people. “You didn’t praise me then for fixing the faucet, so now I won’t do anything at all!” They didn’t praise me at all, they only punished me. In this situation, a person develops a whole “bouquet” of attitudes about himself, the world around him and his place in it. The main problem that such people face is lack of self-worth and self-doubt. How can a person who has never been told that he is valuable in himself love himself? They never talked about his merits, focusing only on his failures/mistakes/errors. Also, from childhood, such children often develop an excellent student complex and perfectionism. After all, no matter how hard these people try, they are never good enough. Growing up, they desperately want to receive from others what they did not receive from their parents. Of course, this brings a number of problems not only to themselves, but also to loved ones/friends/colleagues/superiors, etc. Praise in itself is a wonderful thing, an excellent external motivation, because it has long been known that approval works much better than criticism. However, , constantly demanding it from others, not accepting the opposite, waiting for favor and permission from the outside is fundamentally wrong. Do you like when you are praised? Which motivation is stronger for you - praise or blame? Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
