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When working with a client or with myself using this technique, I set several tasks. Firstly, these are global development tasks in the client’s life for the coming year. Secondly, this is an opportunity for the client to consider his life from different levels, many get stuck on a personal level, rather even an already lived experience; of course, it is necessary to recognize and solve it, but it happens that this trampling or burying oneself even deeper lasts for years and development stops at this moment. But life doesn’t stop. It goes and develops in its own way, regardless of whether a person walks with it or is marking time, or maybe moving backwards. Thirdly, it is to give a certain vector of development of energy in a person. Fourthly, to help a person through the image “ Words of the Year" learn to solve any life problems during this period. Fifthly, develop and acquire new qualities for yourself, feel a different level of strength and resources in yourself. There are actually many problems that this technique can solve if you really use and apply it. Working technique: Come up with the Word of the Year. There is one condition - it must carry a positive vector and not contain destructive tendencies. Technology is developing, which means it carries within itself the desire for the development of life, and not for its attenuation. For example, a person, being in a difficult emotional state, chooses words for himself: melancholy, despondency, destruction, revenge, hatred, depression, etc. You can and should work with these images if a person has them, but this technique is intended for something else. Find out the meaning of the word of the year. Exactly how his owner understands him. If this is the word Abundance, then what does this word mean to him? If Lightness, then what does he mean by this concept? Come up with an image of the word of the year. Everyone will have their own, and it is from this that the therapeutic work will further unfold. In my example from last year there was an image of a Cornucopia filled with gifts. Find out the meaning of the image perceived by the person himself. If this is a Cornucopia, then how does he imagine it? If this is a swallow, then what, in his opinion, does this word of the year reflect in it? Next, the task is to expand consciousness and find additional meanings of this word, already in external sources (books, the Internet). Why is it important? We perceive the world through our limited experience; by receiving information from the outside, we expand the zone of our awareness and containment. We connect our idea with the idea that exists outside, something that is larger than us. It is impossible to solve a problem at the level at which it was created. You need to rise to a higher level, get out of it, look at it from a different angle. This is precisely the task at this stage. Rise above yourself and your ideas. Here the work goes in several directions, both with the Word of the Year and with its Image. Analyze the meaning, symbolism, ancient interpretations, what meaning is put into this word in the modern world. Perhaps someone will have a desire to consider the Word and Image of the year through: symbolism, religion, philosophy, history, heraldry, shamanism, literature, biology, etc. In fact, the more information a person can find for himself from different sources, the more extensively this Word of the Year will work in his life at different levels. The more insights he will receive thanks to such work. In addition, this is a very interesting stage of work. Such qualities of life as curiosity and interest, the ability to start moving, begin to awaken in him, because search is already a vector of energy movement, the task of remembering, recording and trying to put a lot of multidirectional information within oneself, which after time develops into one clear and understandable structure of working with with this word. Remove templates and stereotypes. Write down for yourself significant qualities, properties, signs, what you can feel in yourself and what you want to acquire, appropriate, in other words, become like that. What you already feel in yourself is your support, what you want/408261/
