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From the author: In my series of articles you will find an unusual discovery in the field of psychology of relationships between men and women. Whether we are comfortable in this society or not, none of us, of course, need problems. We try to be like everyone else. Do what is expected of us. But, without a doubt, there will always be individuals who do not want to be like everyone else. There are always problems with these. And only at home we can allow ourselves to rest and relax. We relieve tension: we stop controlling our words and actions, i.e. we become ourselves. Those. we become completely different, our behavior changes! Now it’s clear why we act differently at home and in public. In society, we try to be like everyone else, and this is a condition for peaceful coexistence with the people around us. The more we merge with everyone, the less problems we experience. What do we have at home? - We have a family at home! Only at home 100% can we allow ourselves to be ourselves. And for this right: TO BE AT HOME, IN THE FAMILY WITH YOURSELF - we are fighting and will not give it to anyone! And this struggle is as constant as morning comes on earth every day. While our children are small, they generally obey us, and that suits us. And when they are already teenagers, and especially older ones, in this case different characters often live together in the same family, each of whom defends their right to be themselves IN THE FAMILY, i.e. your personal freedom. Usually parents do not give in - out of inertia - because they are already accustomed to commanding and managing. And children are already adults, they already have more strength to defend the right to be themselves. Please note: everyone has the right to be themselves, and of course will defend it to the end. And now there is a conflict of interests and characters in the family, and now there is a desire to live separately. And it’s clear: if everyone wants to be themselves, and at the same time everyone has different characters, then this is always a conflict. But if someone in the family is wiser, then he consciously refuses the independence of his manifestation, does not allow himself to be himself. In such families there are no problems of “generation conflict”. In each of us, what was hidden under the mask of control over our words and actions during the period of romantic relationships begins to appear. And what is new in our partner turns out to be unexpected and alien to us. We will never be able to come to terms with this. BUT. The biggest tragedy for us is that we understand that we should give in to each other. But giving in means changing yourself. This means stopping being ourselves. But this is against human nature. We will defend our independence, the right to be ourselves. We will not give in to our principles. We will not give in to each other. Give in and still remain happy, i.e. internally free is impossible. And this is as true as the fact that the Sun and Moon replace each other. So, the root cause of conflicts in the family is the struggle of different characters, different personalities for the right to be and always remain themselves. To be yourself - what does it mean? Firstly, you need to understand that a person’s desire to be himself at home is always a person’s natural psychological relief from stress. We accumulate and experience stress when we keep ourselves in control, completely controlling ourselves in society (at work, study, just being among strangers). It is important to realize: the need to be yourself in the family is the only opportunity to free yourself from psychological stress. It’s like sleep and wakefulness, like the change of day and night, like work and mandatory rest in between work. The state of “being yourself” is when we do not control our words, actions, movements. At this moment we are who we are. We simply exist, as if “on autopilot.” And now the most interesting thing: the husband and wife in the family interact, intersecting their biofields. These are not changeable biofields-emotions, these are radiations.
