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Such situations happen very often. As soon as you pass by a store where a beautiful toy is displayed in the window, the child seems to “stick” to the glass and demand: “I want it!” Mom, well, buy-and-and-and-! Buy-buy-buy!” Often, when the parents answer: “NO!”, hysterics, sobs, stamping of feet and screams begin. All parents are probably familiar with this. Why does this happen? Either your child is very spoiled and has previously received everything he wants, everything he asks for, and he is not used to hearing refusal; or he wants to attract your attention with such behavior; or he is fascinated by something and is confused. There is only one result: “I want it! Mom, buy it!” Children are excellent manipulators and they are very good at achieving what they want with the help of tricks: 1. “Mommy (daddy, grandma, grandpa, etc.), I love you so much! You are the most, very good mother in the world!” - the child sings, dancing, tenderly looking into the eyes of the parent. And mom’s heart melts, the ban is lifted, how can you resist such a miracle. As a result, the child gets what he wants. Is this a familiar situation? 2.​ “Mom, do you love me? And dad loves me more, yesterday he bought me a huge beautiful plane...” - this is another trick of your child, as a result of which he will definitely receive an even better gift from you. Well, how can it be, if dad loves the child so much, then mom will show the child what her love is capable of, give a gift no better or worse, or even surpass dad with a gift! “I love my child, can I afford to buy him this gift!” - the mother usually justifies herself in such situations. 3. The child’s “buy-buy” was refused, he throws a tantrum, sobs bitterly , almost hoarse. The parents, unable to bear it any longer, agree and buy the thing that started it all. Thus, the “NO” fortress collapses, the child “stands on the ruins” of the parental ban as a winner. 4.​ The child seems to take the ban into account, but after a while it happens that he fell, scratched his knees, and hit his head or other parts of the body. And to calm the child down, the parents give (buy) a consolation prize, exactly what they said “NO” to the day before. I have listed above the most common reasons for children's tricks, how to get what they want despite a parental ban. Children are actually even more inventive in their tricks and manipulations, because they are very observant and their memory works great, therefore, they know exactly all your adult weaknesses and very skillfully influence you, parents. What ways are there to cope with such a whim? 1. Switching the child’s attention to another subject works well. This method is generally good for young children, when you direct the child’s attention in a new direction - captivate him with another toy, show him how beautiful and interesting it is, and quickly lead him away from the “passionately desired” thing that you cannot afford. 2.​ If an older child, then distraction will not work here. Other methods work here: ask the child not to rush and think a little more about whether he really needs this toy? Or maybe there will be something more interesting and exciting in the store, because, having hastily chosen a toy, his attention may be captured by another object and then he will either begin to rush around or demand both toys. 3. If a child rushes from one toy to another, you can give the child the opportunity to choose. But remember, it is very difficult for a child to do this (he is worried about choosing the wrong thing), so you can gently and unobtrusively help him make a choice in favor of one thing. Just don’t put pressure on the child! 4.​ If you cannot afford to buy what the child asks for or you realize that you have spoiled him too much, then you can offer the child something in return, but only something that will also be no less attractive to him , otherwise the exchange will not take place. Once he makes his choice, there is no turning back -
