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Hello! The article will be big. I didn’t plan to write it if it weren’t for V. Subbotin’s comment about BPD (borderline personality disorder). You can be healthy. If you decide this. To decide means to come to the conclusion that I and only I can do it. To come to this thought, you need to live or understand catharsis. You need to understand: there is no God and at the same time, there is: he is in you. This means that it can be in the presence of you as an individual. You will be surprised. You do exist. Yes. But... your body or your biology may not think so. I lived my catharsis. I do not advise. Scattering into a million pieces. I reassembled myself only through will and information. I have the right to write and speak on this topic. Look: homeostasis - self-regulation of an open system - was first introduced by the American physiologist Walter Cannon. What is it about? About the body. Instinctive response is a process of self-regulation. The body is the body and work of One. That is, Christ. Clay. The body is an open system. And it should be closed and separated from the tribal-communal system. Selected, collected according to the identity of the Personality and its self-determination. This means: you are free to learn new things, take and use new things. That is, apply knowledge. We read: possession and use, circulation. These are the 3 rules for the functioning of money. The body has genetic information. Warning: This is a territory. I'm not kidding. When I personally went through my experience, the information was open. I could read space well before - both theta healing and reunited healing helped with this. But this is an intuitive perception. How can we define intuitive? Body knowledge. This is what we call genetic traumas of suppression, shame, rejection and so on. The body is suppressed. The sex part is very significant. The body provides energy for reproduction - sexual attraction is an attraction based on resonance and biological programs. When there is impersonality in the information of the body, it is territorial. What we call the unconscious. But it is conscious. It regulates instincts, including survival. So: the body has a lot of religious information. In particular, about the fact that a woman is not a person. Let’s not go into history: witches were burned at the stake, and the question of whether a woman has a soul was seriously discussed in the church. And the woman became literate only not so long ago. The man's word is the first. In tribal practices, in religions, in all teachings. What is this for? The body is the soul. Both men and women. He is one and alone. Let's call this consciousness of the one. He divides himself and suppresses himself for material things. Minus and plus give matter in compression. Women get stuck in self-searching and self-punishment, just like men when the body has negative information. All processes of self-regulation are carried out “for God’s sake”, “for the sake of the family” - united, as you understand, for the sake of the mother. By mother, the body understands the earth. The earth is all information. There is even a machine world - body systems, the struggle of Atlanteans and caryatids, esotericists below and take information. An open system moves towards closedness when a person becomes aware of himself. The Spirit fills a person. Thinking. Higher system. Neocortex. There is a sympathetic nervous system and a parasympathetic one. Inner man and inner woman. When you become aware, you become separated from mixing with the unconscious. With reflexes, with instincts. The instincts themselves can begin to destroy the body. Bulimia, suicidal behavior, anorexia, alcohol, drug addiction, everything on the list. Why does the body do this? It has programmed information of a single thing. It is confident in the limited resources. If someone is rich, I must suffer for the sake of the people. Service. I hurt myself to keep my mom alive. And here is the concept of a mother as a personal mother - separation conflicts. You understand with your mind: this is nonsense, you can’t do this to yourself. But the body resets. People are not afraid of grief. People are afraid of success. Do you know why? Because then you have to give your life for a rich man. But he doesn’t think that it’s someone else, on the other side, above. And I have to be downstairs. As much happiness as there must be, there must also be unhappiness. It must, it must. Iat the bottom. I am the territory. Especially affects women. Watch Jane Campion's film "Power of the Dog." Who is this dog? Male perception from below. It is aimed at using the resource. Body resource. In the film, a man openly hates a woman - she starts drinking. S...ka. Here is its definition. By the way, D. Campion herself experienced the loss of her son. The question in the film is solved by the woman’s son - he, like a man’s consciousness, purposefully eliminates the one who influences. The film can take a long time to dissect. How does anyone understand? And when her husband’s parents give her jewelry and gold? When their son is no longer there, the story goes that the woman is married to her brother. Territory and money. When there is influence, the human body confirms the thoughts of the one who has gained the upper hand. Ideally, we can each take our minuses (shadows) to serve ourselves in social interaction, not in the unconscious. She also has an excellent psychotherapeutic film: “The Piano.” The woman doesn't speak. Until one of the men “buys back” the land. Earth - territory - body. Track the relationship. And sex. Of course, sex. With him, she is not a bitch, but a beautiful woman. The word: “Beauty” is dangerous for those who have not yet realized the body. To a compliment, another reaction will be instinctively triggered. Moreover, it will not even be clear why she began to “look dumb”, gain weight, or take care of herself. Fear of the body - submission - you are “nobody”. How to deal with this? Realize that this is how it works. If everyone were rich? Excellent - the resource is unlimited. Then everyone uses their own body territory. If I am so modest and well-mannered and avoid conflicts, then I am a good person. For use. Imposter syndrome: I'm smart, but I live like a fool. Because the body is not “taken.” To take a “body” according to your thoughts is to educate yourself. Yes, again. Same thing, right? The whole world is manipulation. If I think so and am sure, everyone is sure. Am I suppressing? Yes and no. But that’s how the interaction is structured. If I don’t have my own opinion, someone else’s will work and I will harm myself. Computer. Google - Internet, Wi-Fi is distributed throughout the earth. If I didn’t enter in my head what I want or what I need, but at the same time “in good faith” - according to a joint message, someone has already clicked something else in the search engine? Or did you give another command? What will my brain do? The brain doesn't do it at the same time. Who managed to click first? Hence the doubts. And to understand how “good” or “bad” a mother thinks about her children is what she has. I teach women to think. Mom. Responsible mothers. Are you worried about your child? You are broadcasting hatred. You are in your child’s head, especially if the child is lingering somewhere. And then... the thought of mom. And my mother’s thought pressed the button: “At least they weren’t raped.” And we have a real fact: the girl was raped in the entrance after the disco. She was delayed for half an hour, took a taxi, but her mother’s broadcast worked right at home. Look at the facts. I don't need to believe. Rely on the facts. Learn English, (linguistics is different) I wrote an article on this topic, or understand the meanings. I personally teach analyzing and changing the associative chain according to meaning. Territory. One territory is stronger than another. Because of history. And therefore, those who speak English earn 25% more. These are the facts. The Russian language is suppressed. Nowhere will you find such suffering and trauma. This is not an interesting way of looking at things, but an analysis of psychological trauma. What else helps? Reconnected healing. Healing through hands. Hands are an extension of the heart center. There are a lot of nervous answers in the hands. You raise the energy of the earth-territory upward and a change in thinking occurs. These are the facts. I found the other side - scientific facts. Cortical homunculi. The nature of the nervous system is electrical and there are data and drawings of mental maps, if anyone is interested, take an interest in it yourself. So: on the map the largest hands are always the palms. There are studies: right-left. The homunculus living in the cerebral cortex is the embodiment of an abstract interpretation of the body. The personality is you. You can and have the right to be healthy and happy. And your body should not create disgrace. It's work, yes. You can. No one else can - no one can do it for you.):
