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Today's article will be very short, as will be the next few days. I am writing right before leaving on a trip to Dagestan. That’s why I want to talk about the importance of rest. “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” - Sidney J. Harris There is a saying that a day of rest is more important than three days of work. And also that you need to start planning with rest. Why? It seems that during rest we do not create anything, creative work does not occur. Still, rest is very important. Rest is an integral part of maintaining physical and mental well-being. While it may seem counterintuitive, planning and prioritizing rest can actually increase productivity and overall success in both your personal and professional endeavors. Here are the effects that proper rest leads to: Switching attention. Closed-mindedness disappears, new ideas and new solutions appear. Thus, productivity increases qualitatively. We change activities. Those areas of the body and soul that were tense relax, those that were not involved are activated. Harmony appears. Filling with energy. New places, beauty, air, nature, new people, new traditions. All this leads to fullness. More physical activity. Hormonal levels change, mood changes, health and joy appear. I regain control. I make my own decisions, I depend only on myself. Taking back control of my life. On vacation, 100% my life - my rules. We develop our desires. Here there are only my desires, I no longer need to fulfill someone else's will, but instead I can listen to my deepest desires. Becoming closer to yourself, observing yourself It turns out that this is also a quick recipe for burnout. “Rest is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Without it, we risk harming our physical and mental health and, ultimately, our productivity and efficiency.” . - Arianna Huffington Many people don't rest well. They are so exhausted that the only dream appears is to lie down and watch TV, series, social networks. And it can be worse - alcohol, parties, etc. This becomes a habit and this type of recreation becomes the main one. What is the problem? This type of rest does not fill you with energy, does not improve hormonal levels, does not improve health, and then the person returns to work and gets tired again. Thus, week after week, month after month, the condition worsens, at first imperceptibly, then more and more. You need to be able to rest. This is more important than work! What to read on this topic: "The Art of Rest" by Claudia Hammond "Rest: Why you get more done when you work less" Alex Soojung-Kim Pang "Essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less" Greg McKeown "Overwhelm: work, love and play when no one has time" by Brigid Schulte "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss "Off: Your Digital Detoxifier for a Better Life" by Tanya Goodin "Rest and Release: A 4-Step Program for Deep Relaxation, Restful Sleep" and increased energy" by Ingrid Bacci "The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal" by Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz How do you plan your vacation? Are there any actions aimed at fulfilling the previous points? Write, we’ll discuss it, but it’s time for me to leave...
