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Well, what a time it has gone: now everyone who is not too lazy is calculating successful days: when is it better to get a haircut, get married, make a deal….and certainly on the waxing moon, or better yet on full moon. Ideally between the first and second weeks of the month and for the moon to be in Virgo or Taurus. It has already reached the point where they are calculating the ideal day to go to a psychologist! But instead, it is much more important to calculate the worst days for such an event, so that in no case do you end up with a big financial burden. Through long, painstaking research, I calculated exactly 7 of the worst critical days for contacting a psychologist. 1 - TOMORROW: The whole joke is that it always remains in tomorrow. It will never come. Because you will wake up - and it will be today again. And at that very moment, put off all your plans until tomorrow, including going to see a psychologist. Postpone - forever. 2 – On the day of salary, pension, receipt of the next tranche from the IMF - Husband’s Monetary Fund. If you no longer have money, it means that the money has disappeared into something more important than a visit to a soul specialist. And don’t delude yourself, when the finances appear again, they will flow past again.3 - On the first free day, otherwise now there’s a lot to do. Once! There are people who have absolutely no time, they have no time. They don’t have time to get up early - and if they get up, they still don’t have time - they complain about illness, but there’s always no time to go to the doctor, they complain about expensive utilities, but don’t find time to install a meter with a night tariff. Their day does not consist of 24 hours, like others, their time is devoured by terrible monsters. But why manage and distribute your affairs and count the cost of an hour of life? What are these newfangled “deceptive” technologies? Noooo! Once! There are a lot of different things to do that you just can’t seem to finish! No time!4 – On the day when fate gives favorable signs. To hear and see signs from Fate, the Subconscious, the Universe, you need sensitivity and open-mindedness. If you are in fear, discontent, hostile towards yourself and others, you see conspiracies and aggression everywhere - you cannot see the signs like your own ears. It will seem to you that there is “inanimate nature” around you, full of Gorgon jellyfish and you yourself seem to be made of stone. No signs can penetrate through the frozen armor. This condition is the main sign: it’s time for you to run to a specialist! Jump!5 – from Monday, from the 1st, from Cosmonautics Day. It would seem that nothing could be simpler: put a goal in a beautiful date frame. And then show off the skin of an unkilled hare to the whole world. Well, and then listen to the “wise” advice and opinions of armchair experts in order to get plenty of fun with other people’s doubts and quirks.6 – A person thinks that on the weekend, on retirement or on vacation, everything will change, and he will take care of himself. But in reality this does not happen, for one simple reason: the older we are, the less time we have to take care of ourselves. And the less effect these activities bring. Why? If we take care of ourselves at thirty, then by forty a whole mountain of positive things will accumulate. And if we are too lazy to do this, then by forty a mountain of negativity will accumulate. And you will need to spend time and energy to clear it out.7 - On the day when I am so impatient that I just run. I’m afraid by then your situation will have worsened so much that you won’t have the time or energy to crawl to a psychologist. In general, it will be too late to help. If you decide to go to a psychologist, contact TODAY and only today. This is the only one of the successful days. The past is behind us. The future is a fantasy. Real changes are possible only here and now, in today, and not tomorrow, after rain on Thursday or in the new year. Maybe stop eating breakfast? Shouldn’t you just dial my number, sign up for a consultation and start clearing away the rubble? Write in the comments: what other unfavorable days could there be for going to a psychologist? P.S. Why even go to these psychologists, it’s better to buy yourself a new iPhone on credit!
