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How brave and self-confident one becomes who becomes convinced that he is loved. (S. Freud) We will all agree that love does something to a person that can destroy his life, or can save it. It is difficult to define love and especially difficult to define it in a new way. When I write my posts, I enrich the associative series with my reasoning, because this can help others formulate their request. However, it is completely normal when my opinion does not suit you, and you fill the same words with your own meaning. Love in the simplest general case is similar to the joy of the existence of a loved one. But it can also be infinitely different depending on what we are building relationships. Maybe your loved one is no longer there, and you are happy that this person once was, or maybe you even had the opportunity to be with him, and you also remember this with quiet joy. Maybe your paths have diverged, but there are still questions that there is no one to ask, and love rips out your heart, making it impossible to continue living without this person. Maybe you are building a family with your loved one, and the original love has already mixed with the ambiguous experience of relationships, and your love cuts, strangles, burns, torments. Maybe you are so helpless, as if you begin to “exist” only when your loved one is nearby. Maybe, on the contrary, you cannot stand the long presence of your loved one. Perhaps you are overwhelmed with unbearable emotions so much that you want to disconnect from this reality, run away or kick out your loved one, and it seems that an ordinary relationship is not for you. Every love story is absolutely unique, like every person who appears in our life. It is impossible to force yourself to fall in love in someone, the choice is made using deep unconscious attitudes, and the only way to become happier in love is to try to understand your own motives in order to unfold the scenario along a more pleasant path. A person’s life begins with the love of two people, and birth brings a child into the hands of a loving woman mother, and, it would seem, the understanding of love and what it should be is formed in us naturally from the very beginning of existence. Based on the kind of love we are accustomed to, we are endlessly looking for such love. Material taken from my post in my group https://vk.com/wall-196976993_104
