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From the author: Olga Nikolaevna Pashnina “LEARNING” We are learning to realize that on a subtle subconscious level, every person is a particle of the Universe. And not only a person, but any living creature, any object. And here we are all equal. Everything in this world is united by the desire for the Whole, i.e. to God, to the Universe, the Supreme Mind. And each person makes his own unique contribution to the general Universal process of development. We all go in the same direction, but each on our own path. Each person is valuable, important and unique in this world in harmony with others, also important and valuable in their own way, in the One Integral World. “The inner world of a person” - what is it? These are our feelings, our thoughts, our sensory experiences, our plans, our desires and intentions. This is what has the energy of creation - what we “carry” inside ourselves. If we are angry and nervous - destruction of the body through illnesses, problematic situations in life. If light creative thoughts, images, feelings - a full and happy life! In my practice, I always start working with the patient’s inner world. We learn it, our inner world – to feel, hear, understand! We learn to distinguish positive from negative feelings. We learn to hear our body, describe sensations in the body, describe our thoughts sounding in our heads. We are learning to transform our inner world! We are changing our character - the “Dense Manner of Communication” (the low-frequency energy of the old times - the energy of struggle, categoricalness, conviction of our rightness, our significance, our Truth in superiority over others). We learn to accept that EVERY PERSON HAS THE RIGHT TO HIS OWN TRUTH. We learn to take responsibility for our lives, for everything that happens in life. We learn to be aware of the Laws of the Universe - “The Law of Freedom of Choice”, “The external reflects the internal” and others. Cleansing, changing, creating a new, beautiful, clean, bright world. , we get changes in real life - ones that please us, motivate us - Create! Act! For yourself and for the world. We view unpleasant life situations as internal limitations. We free ourselves from them, realizing that: The world is kind, people too! The Universe takes care of us, about our development, about the evolution of our Soul, helping us change through the Situations of the External World. We are learning to BE THE OWNERS OF OUR LIFE! With love Olga Pashnina
