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From the author: Should I believe in another person or not? What does this affect? Does this give us something for ourselves? These issues are addressed in this article. He was a nobody. All his endeavors turned out to be unsuccessful. Every time he started a new business, he was sure that he would conquer the whole world. At first this is indeed what happened. The new project was developing rapidly, an action plan was created easily, the necessary people, information, and resources appeared by themselves. But then something happened and things stopped. It was as if he was entering some kind of unlucky streak, and at a certain moment all plans collapsed. Either a serious competitor appeared on the market, then legislation changed, or another economic crisis stood in its way. At times it seemed that even the weather conditions were hindering the development of his new project. He was grieving over yet another failure, which left more and more scars on his heart. It was as if the whole world was telling him that “he’s a mediocrity who won’t achieve anything.” This is exactly how he felt most often. “Who am I? What do I even think I’m doing here?” - he said to himself. But then time passed, something inside him calmed down, and soon began to flare up with renewed vigor. Strength, ideas, and the desire to create something appeared out of nowhere. However, each time it became more and more difficult for him. It was as if the source of some creative force was gradually drying up, turning from a once-blazing fire into a barely smoldering spark. He was losing faith in himself. She noticed him a long time ago. And although they didn’t know each other, she knew everything about him. About his failures, about his lack of faith in himself, about the new hopes that flared up with the advent of new ideas. How did she know about all this? After all, she didn’t even live in the next house. They crossed paths periodically: on the street, in a store, at a public transport stop. He didn't even notice her. Or he pretended not to notice. She learned to recognize his mood just by his posture and head position. If the gaze was directed downward, a stoop appeared, which means that a streak of bad luck began again. The straight back and sparkle in the eyes indicated that their owner had been seized by a new brilliant idea. She stood at the bus stop and waited for the tram. Suddenly he appeared and stood very close, about one and a half meters away, no further. He was talking on the phone to someone, so she could hear every word of the conversation, including his loud interlocutor through the speaker. They discussed a cosmetics sales project and the features of a website with product descriptions. He was so engrossed in conversation that he almost missed the tram. Inside, she sat down on the chair next to him. “Hello!” – she smiled, turning to her neighbor. “Hello,” he said in surprise. “Excuse me, but do we really know each other?” “I’m sorry, I accidentally overheard your conversation,” she smiled again. “The fact is that I have a good friend who develops websites on your topic.” “Hmm, I really really need such a person now,” he said thoughtfully. The conversation between them began easily, and soon they were excitedly discussing his new project . He almost missed his stop. They exchanged phone numbers and agreed on a business meeting the following Friday. Their meetings soon grew into something more, although at first they discussed only business issues. His business began to develop successfully, which had never happened before. A little later, he achieved truly serious success. They became so close that they decided to legalize their relationship in marriage. She became his main partner both in the family and in the general business. He believed that he owed his success only to himself. That he himself finally found the right scheme, met with the right people and gave successful advertising. The facts only confirmed his thoughts and beliefs. His self-confidence rose to incredible heights. Comparing what kind of person he was before and who he became now, he came to the conclusion that he had changed a lot. He finally believed in himself, in the fact that he could achieve success. Only she knew the secret of transforming his
