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“We are all born to buy!” or a turn of consciousness My friend Michael Bang, who at the end of September held a seminar-workshop “How to make a consistently high income” in Kaliningrad, turned my mind around the word “sale”. I did not include his words “We are all born to sell” in the title. And here's why. We are engaged in responsible work - we teach people psychology, help them better understand themselves, and therefore others. Understand your nickname and apply the knowledge of psychology in life and profession. A very noble mission, we are proud of our work. Our seminars and trainings are aimed at sincerity and spirituality, at helping people gain inner freedom. For 10 years, our institute did not recognize sales training and other Carnegie-ism. And then a miracle happened - we opened the School of Sales and Service and not just any school, but the Michael Bang School of 5-Star Sales and Service! This change in our course is caused by a vital need. People need this too. Before I met Michael Bang, I thought negatively about sales. After meeting them, I realized that sales training is not only necessary for our society in terms of economic activity, but also for every person. This is such a metamorphosis! Everything is clear with Michael - he is a man of high ethics and crystal decency. I will talk about his views below. The point is different, the point is how it happened that selling, an elementary action, a basic unit in any country, in any economy, began to have a negative connotation in our Russian mentality. The simplest solution for me is to search for this word in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. My search was targeted because I had already interviewed Michael and started a sales school. I was looking for something. For a long time. I found it! There are a lot of different dictionaries and encyclopedias in my huge library. It has been a habit since I was a student to prepare for exams with dictionaries. After looking through several (7!) dictionaries, I realized what the problem was. Explanatory dictionaries are an important element of culture and an excellent way to understand social consciousness, because it is in these dictionaries, firstly, that the sensory intuitive image of an object, phenomenon or action is explained or, rather, clarified. And secondly, with the help of an explanatory dictionary you can avoid simple disagreements and simply agree on something, regardless of the subjective perception (apperception) of an object, phenomenon or action. So, my searches led to the disappointing conclusion that during the Soviet era the word “ sale” has acquired a negative connotation in the public consciousness, because, I quote exactly from Ozhegov’s dictionary. “SALE, -i, f. 1. see sell. 2. Trade, trade turnover. Purchase, etc. Furs went on sale. Release for sale. SELL, -am, -ash, -ast, -adim, -adite, -adut; sold and sold, -ala, -ala; -ay; sold (-an, -ana and -ana, -ano); Sov., whom (what). 1. Give it to someone. ownership for a fee. P. goods, product. Cheap, expensive p.p. under the hammer (auction). 2. transfer Betray by committing treason for selfish reasons. P. your friends. nesov. sell, -I give, -you give. noun sale, -i, f. (to 1 value)". Every dictionary had a definition for selling, which had a negative meaning such as betraying, committing treason. Strongly. This attitude towards the sales field of activity certainly does not promote sales, read - trade and the economy as a whole. Isn’t this the general problem of Russia? This attitude towards sales developed during the years of Soviet power. In Dahl's dictionary, for example, the word “sale” has several definitions, one of which is the key to our turn towards sales training. The impetus for my insight was my acquaintance with Michael Bang. We met him in Moscow at my partner and colleague, successful businessman Vladimir Kusakin. My principle for selecting leading seminars and trainings has always been, and I have been conducting them for 20 years, was strict: the person leading the training or seminar himself must be successful in this area, regardless of what topic he demonstrates. Therefore my
