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From the author: Why don’t we know how to love? Where can I get this love for myself? What needs to be done and what steps to take? I don’t believe in myself... I don’t believe that I can change my life... Nothing ever works out for me... Even if I start doing something with pleasure, I quickly burn out and become even more disappointed in myself... Laziness, fatigue, apathy - these are my constant companions lately... No sedatives help... Nothing makes me happy in life, I lash out at my children, I don’t want to see my husband at all, everything about him irritates me... I understand that life is passing me by, but what can I do? I don’t understand how to start living differently... This is a kind of compote of what I usually hear at the first introductory consultations. It’s amazing how many women have similar experiences... And it’s very sad that there are even more of those who are afraid even of themselves admit that something is wrong... We put on a mask of success and significance, but we feel sick of ourselves... What kind of harmony, joy and love can we talk about when despair and anger are torn from within... When you don’t know what to do with the burden of unresolved issues problems that only try to fall on your head and stun you even more. And time is no longer a helper, the pain of grievances is not drowned out, self-disappointment intensifies, and life only deepens its colors from year to year. Many reasons can explain this condition... But the very first thing is that we were not taught to LOVE OURSELVES and ACCEPT OURSELVES with all our strengths and weaknesses, weaknesses and imperfections! We were taught to turn away from ourselves: When they tried to fit us into general standards, comparing us with our peers. When they forgot to praise us or didn’t notice our successes. When they didn’t say “I love you” and “you’re my best,” “you’ll definitely succeed.” When they tried to solve all our problems and make decisions for us. When they denied our feelings and forbade us: cry, get angry, be offended. When we limited our aspirations to our own limits: “Where are you going, you won’t succeed.” So now it turns out that this all-encompassing love for oneself now lies deep under the rubble of grievances and disappointments... It is bound in a tight grip by endless fears and doubts... The pain of rejection, sadness from missed opportunities, the feeling of guilt for one’s worthlessness are crushed under heavy oppression... Impossible with such baggage enjoy life...Your eyes don’t glow with happiness when your soul is so full of rubble...It is impossible to love anyone sincerely and without pretensions while love for yourself languishes in an unknown prison. Hence the apathy, laziness, boredom instead of the flow of love and universal happiness... There is simply no strength left... They all merge to barely - barely mark time, dragging the “accumulated wealth” behind them. But, hurray, this is not a death sentence! And there is a solution to this problem! Liberation from emotional garbage always opens up the flow of vital energy... Thoughts begin to flow in a completely different way... You immediately want to turn to yourself... Suddenly it turns out that you have something to love and appreciate yourself for ...For some reason you allow yourself to be imperfect and accept yourself as real, as you are...You are filled with strength to move on...With a sincere smile and eyes glowing with happiness! And this is not a complicated science at all... When I learned this myself, my life was in full swing... Previously, it was more like a stagnant puddle overgrown with swamp mud, but now there is a real rushing stream, and fresh, invigorating and crystal clear. This is a stream that fills with energy , strength, self-confidence... And little by little it takes away with it all the ballast accumulated over the years that I also had to carry with me. Everything that I had been striving for for years and walking in tiny steps began to take shape, as if by itself it would turn out the way it did. I couldn’t even imagine it myself and was afraid to think that it would really be better for me. The right people began to arrive at the right moment, information and more... At the same time, my soul is completely calm, calm and free, although thunderstorms very often happen overboard. This is an amazing state and it’s worth learning.
