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A magical time is coming, and I want to share with you the little secrets that I use myself. We all come from childhood and we all really want to believe in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in magic. And I invite you to become wizards of your Life, at least for a while (allow yourself these not serious children's pranks, fantasies and miracles). Let your inner child now come to the surface and frolic in the mental and emotional spaces of your Destiny. Solstice - a turn of fate. The week before the winter solstice (popularly called the solstice) is an energetically charged time. Strong energy flows descend to Earth, which activate the matrix of creation. During this period, not only the rebirth of the Soul is possible, but also a renewal of life, a change in its negative factors. In order to have time to take advantage of these opportunities, do the following: Mentally or in meditation, get rid of everything unnecessary, outdated, both in your home and in the Soul. Write it all down on paper and then burn it. List all the negative emotions (be sure to feel your body at this moment and write down on paper all the sensations that arise) that you experience and that bother you. Be careful in composing your thoughts, make explanations if your thought is not specific and ambiguous! Make plans for the whole next year and be sure to write them down in a notebook, starting with household purchases and repairs and ending with personal growth and achievements in your profession, life, and relationships. Make three of your deepest wishes, the fulfillment that you are really looking forward to in the coming year. On the evening of December 21, set a rich, hearty table and feast your fill on various delicacies. This tradition is considered a guarantee that the whole year will be just as satisfying, rich and profitable. Even pets can be given more food on this day than usual. And on the morning of December 22, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate it on its birth, thanking it for everything it gives us. We are not on our own in this world. We are part of the infinite Universe and the Universal Mind. And our Life very much depends on the Universal Laws, Cycles and rhythms. Living in resonance with these natural rhythms, cycles and Laws we can create harmony in our Life.
