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Everyone knows about the importance of basic needs (BP). And that until they are closed, we cannot live in peace. We are scared or anxious. The desire to satisfy these needs is built into us at the level of instincts. They help us survive as a species. Therefore, fear and anxiety perform the function of signaling, and indicate that some BPs are not satisfied. This seems clear. But there is a nuance. Our basic needs are satisfied by 98-99 percent. Already! Right now! For several decades in a row, humanity has not survived! (The exception is various disasters). Don’t believe me? How many of us are at risk of dying of thirst right now? Maybe from hunger? Maybe something threatens our safety? Even if we try (in the presence of other people) to end our lives ahead of schedule, most likely they will stop us, take pity on us and send us to rest in the hospital. So why are we so worried about our future or present? I have a hypothesis. In the process of development, we imperceptibly replaced the concept of BP with the concept of the level of norm (or level of comfort - UC). This level is different for everyone. Some people have breakfast with a sandwich with margarine, others with sturgeon. Some people are driving a minibus, others are driving a Bentley. And if there are threats to reduce the operating capital, we perceive this as a threat to satisfying the business price. That is. if a person driving a Bentley is forced to change to a minibus (even hypothetically), he will receive such a mental kick in the form of fear and anxiety, from which he will either quickly eliminate the risks of a decrease in CV, or he will receive an anxiety disorder, from which he will take a long time to get rid of by drinking alcohol and working with a psychologist This is how we deceive ourselves. I do not call for reducing the level of comfort to the level of survival. There is little joy in the life of a caveman. And I myself love a comfortable life and strive for it. I'm all for reducing anxiety levels. Because, even if you have a high standard of living (high income and a high degree of satisfaction of your wants), but at the same time there is constant anxiety, then the overall quality of life will still be low. Those. you will feel uncomfortable. How to remove this neurotic anxiety? First, realize that nothing threatens you (unless you are at the epicenter of a cataclysm) Apply the practice of self-support for those parts of the psyche that trigger anxiety. This is the basic practice of the #value☝ course. At the same time, you will be able to pull yourself out of different states as quickly as possible. That's all I wanted to say. Be healthy and happy.
