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Supervision is a tool that helps a psychologist get support from a more experienced colleague, look at difficulties in work with a new perspective, work through feelings in relation to the client’s story, structure his own work and helps to look to work with new eyes. Consulting psychologists undergo supervision on a regular basis, for example, once a week or every 2 weeks). In addition to supervision, the psychologist undergoes personal therapy so as not to transfer personal problems to clients and works through traumatic experiences and personal experiences. At least 3 people are involved in working on a client request - a client, a psychologist and a supervisor. All information that is brought to supervision is strictly confidential and is not transferred beyond the scope of work with the client and supervisor; the psychologist and supervisor comply with the psychologist’s code of ethics and guarantee privacy and safety. When working with a supervisor, equal relationships are built that are more suitable for the definition of partnerships. Together with the supervisor, a brief history of the client, exercises, techniques, therapeutic interventions, and hypotheses are explored. The therapy process is analyzed up to the present moment, alternative strategies and therapeutic interventions are developed. Before supervision, the psychologist prepares a conceptualization of the client’s case, which includes: the main stories of childhood, experienced events of the present, behavioral strategies that the client chooses to solve difficult life situations, deep beliefs about yourself, the world and other people. As a result, the psychologist develops the most optimal plan for working with the client, which will be useful to him; the psychologist puts the client’s well-being first, without violating the code of ethics. An action plan will be developed together with the supervisor and agreed upon with the client, who in turn will understand the strategy of working with him, the goals of therapy and, together with the psychologist, will move towards the implementation of personal life plans. Take care of yourself and take care of your health! If the material is useful and interesting for you, then leave comments, say “thank you” and subscribe to my page. To sign up for a consultation, follow the link.
