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Not long ago I read an article about how scary it is to grow old! I also sometimes see wrinkles... But for some reason I think that with age I become more and more beautiful😊😊😊 I talked about growing up, that’s what I call it😉, and I will now share my conclusions with joy and pleasure with you! During our lives, we have already “changed” our body several times - at first it was the body of a baby, then it grew up, then a little more... then again and again!!! 😊And the main thing in this “change” of the body was that it (bodily changes) was socially approved!😉 Moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers were happy to see how their child was growing)) Children in kindergartens and schools measured their height - who is taller - the better, and the older, the better. And vice versa: after a certain age (for fashion models, actors, etc., this age comes earlier) “changing” the body is no longer a socially approved and encouraged phenomenon! The body, as if, should freeze at the peak of its beauty and attractiveness and now remain that way for the rest of its life. But this is a template of beauty!!! Imposed template of beauty!!! And this is what surgeons are already doing - they circumcise everyone according to a template!😆... But people want approval, they still want to be “better” and preferably “better” than someone else. They still look for approval from the outside, from in childhood these were our parents, and now the people around us) because self-love and self-approval “from within” are not enough. The ways to get approval have remained the same, from childhood - I will be “better” - they will be praised, loved, etc. This is a dead end! The road to neurosis! But if we cannot change the template of beauty (young means beautiful), then we can try to change our perception (no matter how trite it is)!!! Personally, I am helped by such a relevant ability as “example” (as in positive psychotherapy the ability to take an example and the ability to learn from others is called). I downloaded beautiful, fashionable, stylish adult (60+) women onto my tablet and now I look at them and it’s easier to grow up. They inspire me with their natural beauty, and even more so with their presentation of themselves! PS: Youth to you, women, and the joys of growing up!))) Be happy😘🌷🌷🌷
