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Many have heard that constantly growing and developing is a necessity. But the question arises, why? What need does personal growth solve? Among other things, this is the satisfaction of one of the types of communication hunger. "Hunger for events." A person cannot live without events; a measured life is not for us. Where can we get the events? Where do they usually get them? In the neurotic version, on traditional holidays such as weddings, New Year, March 8, birthday, etc. But if everything goes as normal, then the holiday is not an event but becomes a routine. Events appear in it when everything goes “wrong”. One got drunk, others got into a fight, others got their wives mixed up, others gave the wrong gift, etc. Then these “events” are discussed for a long time in every way. Retold to those who were not at the holiday. This turns out to be a real “event”. There are other options for artificially creating “events”. For example, have a mistress/lover. Also events, you need to organize meetings, hide from your wife/husband, there is also some way to explain why you don’t leave your wife/husband. In general, life becomes richer. But... this is just a surrogate. Other ways to create events for yourself may look healthier, but this is only in appearance. For example, travel. A person rushes around cities and countries, from attraction to attraction. In only an unquenchable thirst for new experiences. Everyone has probably met someone like that, with bulging eyes, out of breath from fast walking, pestering those passing by: “Is there anything interesting there?” Another way, all sorts of extreme hobbies and entertainment. When a person either jumps with a parachute, or goes rafting, or climbs Elbrus (without mountaineering), etc. All these are events for him, while ordinary life seems gray and boring. And here we come to the question: where to get events? The healthy option that best suits our nature is personal growth and development. When I develop in the profession I have chosen, I will inevitably have certain successes - events as a product of a properly organized life. Yes, it is undoubtedly more difficult than going on a trip. But the results are much more lasting and stay with you forever. Moreover, it is these events that make you human and give you a feeling of fullness of life. Live! Grow up! Develop yourself! Do it! And you will always be surrounded by numerous events….
